Emotions are Hard(3): Snowball War!

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It's been a few days since that whole movie night with the two boys. In the time from then to now, it's managed to start some snowfall. The white powder coating over the neighborhood as the children cheered with glee and the excitement that school would be canceled the next day. Tom always missed those days as a kid. Sneaking out of the house after a harsh day and falling into the cold embrace of the snow outside, staring up at the sky with an equally cold gaze. Hm..best not go through that trauma again. The brunette let out a huff, his breath showing in the air. "Edd...why couldn't we have just taken the car? What's the point of advanced technology if we're not going to use it?"

"Because, the roads are already getting pretty bad and I don't want to waste what could be a nice moment in the snow. Why have legs if your not going to use them?" He said mockingly before shifting a bag in hand. The boys just went grocery shopping in town and we're heading home now, bags on all their arms. Tom however had the most because he was stubborn and wanted to grab more. Edd didn't care why, made it easier on him. "Plus, it's nice getting to bond. You don't like driving anyway so I don't want to hear it from you. When you volunteer to drive, then we'll talk."

"Mm...as nice as this is Edd...I'm gonna take Toms side with this one. Rare- I know. But freezing my ass off isn't a fun way to start off a Monday morning. And for the most part, we've all been pretty silent on the walk. Except you pondering on wether you should have gotten the other brand of cat food for ringo- that and Matt going off about how I need to wear something other then combat boots. Which- I won't. Not ever." He said that last part while looking at Matt who gave a grumpy face in return.

"Whatever. When you want to actually look good, come talk to me. And some spa treatment for those eye bags...." Matt mumbled before taking a sip of his water bottle. He heard a chuckle from Tom. Tom wasn't safe either though. Toms eye bags were apparent as well! And so was the terrible mismatched outfit he was wearing. Vans shoes, long red plaid pajama pants that had the bottoms getting soaked from being to long and clasping to the bottom of Toms shoes everytime he took a step, the white and black striped shirt that came out from his black coat. Tom? Was a disaster and honestly? It hurt for Matt to even look at him right now.

To be fair, Tom was woken up and thrown into this situation unwillingly. You think Tom wanted to go walk to the store at nine in the morning? Wrong. Edd forced him to go and he, in a sleepy haze threw on whatever he could get his hands on. These weren't even his pants- he didn't know who's they were but they were baggy and they kept slipping down on his waist. He was also very aware of the wetness at his ankles and he was highly uncomfortable and grossed out.

The norsk gave a side glare to Tom, humming softly. He would refrain from commenting on that outfit choice aswell. Also- weren't those edds pants? Tom better pray edd doesn't notice cause he'd be pissed. It was a miracle those things were even staying up. Edd and Tom were two very different sizes. Not that there's anything wrong with it, it was just a fact. They really need to feed Tom more-

"Hm...look at those kids over there." Matt said getting the group to all turn there attention to a group of kids. accept Tom who for some reason decided to look up before getting nudged by edd before actually looking across the street. Intelligence at its finest. "Snowball fight? Looks fun. When's the last time we did something like that? I remember when we were all playing in middle school and I threw one of the balls too hard and gave Edd a black eye. Heh..."

Before Edd could properly respond to the bittersweet memory Tom quickly interrupted with a "Your mom was balls deep on my—"

Tord, Edd and Matt:
In unison they all shout "TOM!" Taking there turns hitting Tom in the shoulder earning a wince from the brunette.

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