Emotions are Hard(6): Rough night.

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Warning (Read at your own risk)
Usage of weed
strong NSFW concepts and sex scenes


"Heh, you know, Thomas...they say sex when high is the best~"

His eyes widen at Tords comment. "Mhm...so I've heard." He said while softly rubbing his arm, pretty sure he knew where Tord was trying to take this topic. Tord was teasing him again! He hated when the other got him all worked up and flustered. You know what? No. He's fighting back this time! He got to see Tord flustered earlier, he could do it now too!

"Annnnd- we're high." He said with a grin, leaning over and carefully nudging the other before he just let his body weight lean on the brunette. Of course Tord was joking and was just trying to make Tom all worked up. After getting to see it earlier he wanted to keep it drawn out for as long as possible.

He knew it- gosh Tord was predictable. "Alright, commie- I get what your insinuating. And you know-.. I wouldn't mind~" Tom said with a small smile, crossing one leg over the other before he looked up at the norsk.

Well- Tord was expecting Tom to get all flustered and panicky and maybe even a punch to the arm. But when he got the reaction he did instead, the dog shivered and leaned forward looking at Tom with curious eyes. "Say sike right now- if you don't say sike I'll do something, I swear." Tord said looking very serious. Told you- Tord would fuck anyone. The man is a lost cause.

When Tord said that, his eyes widen and he put his hands up defensively. "A-Alright, sike! Sike! Jeez- your such a gross little spaz, you know that?" He asked before shivering softly. Although he did wonder - what would happen if him and Tord fucked? What were those things Tord read? Those hentai magazines or whatever? He knew Tord had some of enemies to lovers. Was this just something Tord was into? He liked to snoop through the commies things when he was in the shower- depending on what he found it was fun. It's specifically Tords closet where Tom finds the stuff worth blackmailing for.

Tords voice was really nice and the norsk was fairly cute. Plus the sexual tension between them lately has been making Toms head spin. Tords also been super nice to him lately and helping him feel better- it actually earned the man some points. Tom feels like he doesn't do enough to say thank you for it so- would Tom fuck the norski? Sure. Yeah, he'd do it. When's the last time he got laid? Was Tord gonna be okay with it or was Tom just being weird? "Tord I-um...Would it like- be weird if we did?"

Tord hadn't noticed but he'd been bouncing his leg the whole time, looking up at the ceiling just enjoying Toms company. He paused hearing the other speak up and looked at him. He tilted his head, feeling a little excited by Toms sentence. "If we fucked? I mean like- I don't think it would? Don't force yourself to do it if you don't want to, Tom. That makes it not fun for both of us. If you want to, I'd happily be down." He said with a grin. "Take as much time as you need to deicide. Don't feel rushed. You should be comfortable if you choose to do so."

Okay, Tord was being really respectful right now and he appreciated it greatly. He smiled lightly and nodded before deciding that he did. "I'd like too- if you want to." Was this to fast? To out of character?

"I would- absolutely." Tord said a bit quickly. Okay wow- he did not think his day was going to go like this, but he was up for it. "Alright- let's take a few more hits and we can talk about it more okay?" He asked, he may have been excited but he still wanted to keep Tom okay with this. Tord re-made the bowel from a fresh new pack and took a deep hit, once again blowing it over at Tom, facing his body towards the brunette now since he was fine with doing so. Tom seemed to be doing the same thing. He let Tom take it and watched him take two big hits, setting a hand on the others shoulder to tell him to chill and wait before taking to many so he didn't get to fucked up.

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