Emotions are Hard(4): Hope Edd has Ensurance...

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The Norsk loved winter. He loved the cold freeze in the air when the wind messed up his hair, or the way he could see his breath in the air. The cold always reminded him of his home in Norway, when he was younger. Although, Norway was a lot colder then Britain. Since the day of the snowball fight it's been snowing constantly and while tord much enjoyed it all the others in the home groaned about it. It was just some snow- it wasn't doing any harm.

The norski headed downstairs to sit on the couch next to edd and Matt, assuming Tom was probably barricaded upstairs sleeping still. You know— he hasn't been able to get Tom back yet from the whole putting snow down his crotch. He wondered if that's why Tom was keeping packed up in his room lately. Or Tom was going through a whole moody phase again. In which he would feel awful for- but at the same time it would be nice to get a chance at hanging out with Tom again. That sounded...nice. He'd never admit that though. Not even to himself.

The guys were sitting there, just watching the news. He had to turn the volume up since Matt was over there eating a bowel of cereal as if it were a bag of chips. He loved Matt- but he chewed obnoxiously loud. "Oh jeez....another car crash? This weather is getting so terrible-! I hope the family is okay.." The news had stated there had been a car crash collision in the city due to buildup of ice on the road.

Okay, Tord took back what he thought earlier- snow could very much be harmful. He laid his head back on the couch, feeling bummed out about the news. Tord hated watching the news- it was always so boring and depressing! The male turned his head a bit before he got up, Matt's chewing bothering him as well. He went to go grab a cigar from his room only to find out- he was out. "Ah...Fuck me..." He placed his hand on his head for a moment and cursed out. "Guess I get to make a trip to the store." Just as tord was about to walk out, he ended up bumping into Tom, causing the two to stumble back a bit.

Tom been up for an hour now laying in bed- he was starting to feel depressed again and his motivation to do much was going down once more. The only reason he got out of bed was because laying in his room staring at the ceiling for an hour overthinking about things was just making him feel worse. The brunette threw on some baggy shirt and some pajama pants. Man- the lazy vibes were on this winter.

The Brit was making his way downstairs, a hand over his head. He sighed out softly, getting a little distracted before he was suddenly face first into someone's shoulder. He stumbled a little, looking up quickly. To be fair- since he was distracted it was either bumping into tord or falling down the stairs. He saw the norsk staring down at him was a confused gaze since the two just- didn't say anything to each other. Tom just waved and continued walking downstairs.

That moment of just staring at eachother- was really oddly calm. At least he thinks Tom was looking at him? Again...he couldn't tell. He was getting better at it though! He could tell the eyes were sad. Oh wait- so Tom was going through another mood? He followed the brunette downstairs, deciding he'd ask about it later. It was better to talk about it when Tom was at the stage where he cries because that's the only point where Tom didn't push him away and was willing to talk. Cause at that point he couldn't pretend that everything was fine.

The norsk hummed softly and slipped on his classic red hoodie and even his old black overcoat. What? Still fit and he still looked good. With the added bonus of not looking like a school shooter. The male huffed and leaned down to slip on his boots, humming when he heard a voice from behind him. "Hm?"

"Are you going outside? What are you doing?" Edd asked, hoping that Tord wasn't gonna say he was taking the car. He stood up from the couch, a blanket wrapped around himself as he stepped forward.

"I'm out of cigars- I'm just gonna drive down to that one little shop down the way and pick some up. I'll drive safe, I promise." Tord said before cracking his hands a bit. He was surprised to hear Tom speak up next.

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