Emotions are Hard(10):

106 6 1

Mention of suggestive content.

If someone gets the reference I made in this, thank you. (Hint: it's a marvel movie)


"Come on, dude! Your doing great. Just give me five more." He said, holding Toms feet down by his ankles on the mat. Couldn't have Tom cheating! He was helping him do sit ups at the moment, just watching him struggle. He did more then he thought he could though, so he had to give Tom credit! You know, with all the tension that's been rising since breakfast earlier, constantly panting and groaning was something that didn't help him with this situation. It's to early to start off with this, can we get back to something nice and wholesome? Like Tom struggling to get in twenty five sit ups.

"I-I know your trying to...hh- help! But your talking— is just- ah! Making things harder..!" He said before counting the last few before he let himself lay down on the mat, ignoring Tords chuckling to him being dead. He panted softly, taking in some air as he cradled his stomach in his arms. "It feels like— it burns man." He groaned and attempted to roll over on his side, but Tord set his chin on his knee so he figured he'd stay put. He didn't mind him being so...affectionate today? He didn't know if affectionate was the right word for this but he's been really touchy. It wasn't unusual for Tords body language to consist of small physical touches when speaking to other people such as touching the shoulder, leaning on someone, or such. But the norsk was taking it as far as just wrapping an arm around him to usher him to a different place or even just now when placing his chin on his knee and staring down at him with that look of mockery. If Tord made fun of him right now- so help him.

"You seem a little tired. Why don't you take a few minutes to rest? You earned it with that one." He said before patting Toms leg, leaning back and pushing his leg down just to fuck with him, hearing Tom grunt and hold his aching stomach before he was called a 'douche'. He now chose to lay beside the other laughing at the sound of him still panting. "You should do this with me more often Tom! Joking and picking on you aside, it's fun to hang out. Isn't it?" He asked before hearing Tom give a tired grumble of words in what he was assuming to be agreement and then complaining about never wanting to do this again.

"Oh please, Thomas. The working out isn't that bad." He said before shaking his head disappointedly, crossing his arms as he looked at the brunette.

"Y-Yeah, hanging with you is the part that sucks." Tom said lightly, sitting up with the help of his arm as he held the other one in his hand. He gave a small tired laugh mixed with some panting as Tord lightly nudged his hip. Tom shifted so he could lay down on the mat on his stomach, taking a moment to rest and stretch out his body. He felt Tords head set down on his leg and he just lazily allowed it. "Besides this- hn. What are our plans for today?" He asked with a slight wheeze.

"Oh, a 'we'? I thought you said hanging out with me was awful?" He said before feeling Tom pull his leg back, his head falling to the padding below. "Ugh! Bloody hell, Thomas..give me a concussion why don't you?" He said before grabbing his leg and pulling the brunette back so he could instead use his thigh as a pillow. He'd move if Tom told him to obviously. But instead of an angry comment he just received soft laughing from about his first comment. Gosh, that laugh was so sweet. He hummed, listening to the sound of Toms breathing starting to go back to a regular rhythm. He wondered what his heart sounded like right now...

"First of all- I said it sucked. Not that it was awful. And...I guess it's not that bad." He said before propping his head up on his arms, looking back at the other. "Ew- your heads all sweaty and your wet. You definitely need a shower if we're doing anything today." He stated before shaking his head. He felt the other get off him. He probably made him self continuous about his sweat now. He was about to turn around and jokingly apologize but instead he just watched the other crawl over him from behind. So now Tom laid on his stomach and Tord was on his hands and knees over him. His knees were all aligned with his sides, hands in front of Toms shoulders but not actually touching him. Tom got a funny feeling Tord was gonna make a sexual comment. His cheeks dusted a soft pink, growing a bit over heated considering that he just got done doing a set of sit ups and Tord was only over heating him more.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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