Emotions are Hard(9): Games and Gains

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Don't follow instructions for pancakes- your girl can't cook for shit.
slight NSFW comments and scenes

[C] _________________

"Dude- I'm not being the miner! Your ass at house building and your gonna try and make the house out of oak wood again and you know I'm a Birchwood type of guy." Tom said as he pressed a few buttons on his key board, hitting Tords player with a wooden shovel in the game before he huffed and jotted away from him going to collect wood for the house.

"First of all, I'm not bad at making houses. You just don't like that I use oak so- screw you. We've already talked about this so I'm not going on another hour rant about this. I'm fine with being the miner but don't judge my house building skills." He heard Tom scoff. "Ack! Wait no, don't hit me I only have five hearts! The damn skeletons in this game are so annoying. I need to craft torches- if you get any sticks from those trees give me some." He said before he used the last of his own sticks to make a wooden pick axe.

No one:
You've probably guessed the two boys are playing Minecraft by now. Tom was sitting curled up next to the arm of the couch using it as a table for his computer and Tord had a pillow in Toms lap, head rested there. Toms words were true, he was a better house builder. Truth be told, Tord didn't even want to be the house builder he just thought it was humorous when Tom got super defensive over it. They'd been playing for awhile- before they were in creative and fucking up eachothers buildings with TNT just to be dicks but they ended up needing a change of pace after Tord killed Toms pet rabbit he named kip. Now they were in survival and acting like fools who's creative abilities were limited due to not having infinite amounts of TNT blocks.

"Check the chest by the furnace. It's disorganized but it's got everything you should need. There's probably torches in there." He said before taking a sip of cola he'd stolen from Edds stash. Seeing the can made him wonder. "You think the others are gonna be weirded out when they find out we're getting along?" He asked with a hum, feeling Tord shrug against his legs. "Verbally respond, you loser." Tom said before resisting an urge to spit soda in his ear. He could- Tord was at the perfect angle. But he was trying to keep this friendship thing going, so he refrained.

"Ugh- I have to talk? So...much energy-" He whined before he sat up, closing his computer screen. "Alright Tom- I don't know about you, but I'm pretty tired. Why don't we call it a night, hm? I'm sure five hours was plenty to fill our gaming needs." He said before he stretched, yawning softly. He saw from his peripheral vision, Tom perk up and turn to him. Oh no- Tom wasn't gonna whine was he? It was a few moments but instead of getting the typical Tom whining card he got the guilt tripping one this time. You know- instead of the 'oh no-! Tord you loser! Stay and play more! It's only 2:00AM in the morning!' He got the 'oh...okay.....' and gosh was it so much harder to leave when he heard it.

"Ahh— fuck you! You know I hate when you do the whole pouty act. Fine. But let's take a break to do something else, my eyes need a break from pixels—" He said before standing from the couch, stretching carefully. It was, if your looking for exact time, 2:46 AM in the morning. While this was Toms usual prowling time, this is the time of night where Tord would be fast asleep. He didn't like laying in bed all day- he needed to be up early doing things and getting stuff done. He already knew he was going to be tired for his scheduled work out tomorrow. He's been skipping visits to the gym lately and he needed to start going back.

"You can't handle some screen time, gramps? Need to take your hourly nap?" He smiled, watching Tord shoot him a glare that honestly did make him shiver. He put his hands up defensively, snickering a bit. "Got it. Sorry." He said before he held back laughter by placing a hand over his mouth for a moment. He sat up, feeling pretty great himself right now. Tom was a night owl- he was more the type who thrived in the night. Tough schedule but life was just better when you didn't have to function as a person with others. "Well then, what do you recommend we do? Tv is still pixels and your not gonna wanna do that. We could play a board game...-? Maybe....draw something? Ah- no. That's gay. Oh! Tord, let's bake something!" Tom said while perking up.

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