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Catherina found herself in an arranged marriage with Pedro Gonzalez, the wealthiest mafia boss in town. Despite their union, Pedro rarely acknowledged her existence. He'd come home late, making her sleep in the guest room, only paying attention when important guests visited.

One evening, Catherina decided to prepare dinner for herself, knowing Pedro would return home late. Seated in the dining room, savoring her lasagna, the front door creaked open. Pedro stumbled in, clearly inebriated. Concerned, Catherina rushed to his aid, guiding him to their bedroom.

As she assisted him, Pedro, attempting to distance himself, muttered, ''Please...Don't touch me. I have a wife, her name is Catherina.'' The unexpected declaration stirred Catherina's emotions.

Upon reaching the master bedroom, Catherina settled Pedro on the bed, fetched water, and helped him drink it. As she removed his shirt, he succumbed to sleep.

Later, in the guest room, Catherina couldn't shake thoughts of her husband. Sleep eluded her, and after an hour of restless contemplation, her door flung open.

''Pedro, I thought you were asleep. What are you doing here?'' she inquired.

Pedro, moving toward the bed, replied, ''We're married, Cat, and married couples sleep together. Do you not love me anymore?''

He joined her on the bed, resting his head between her breasts, embracing her, and professing, ''I love you, Catherina.'' Soon, he drifted into a peaceful slumber, a content smile on his face. The complexities of their arranged marriage seemed momentarily softened by this unexpected, vulnerable display of affection.

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