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"Do you have a death wish?" Irene, my wife, screeched angrily, her eyes red and teary. Strands of her hair clung to her left eyelashes, but she seemed oblivious to them. "You could've died."

Confused, I stammered, "I don't-"

"Stop," she cut me off, her anger evaporating as she slumped on the couch in our room, utterly exhausted. A deep, shuddering breath escaped her. My heart ached seeing the worry etched across her face. Slowly, I embraced her small frame, holding her tightly.

"I'm okay," I reassured, swallowing hard. "It's okay."

But let me tell you what happened earlier today.

While driving home from the office, I found myself involved in a car accident. My car collided with a tree, but thankfully, I escaped with minor injuries – a few cuts on my face and bruises near my stomach. Soon after the accident, the ambulance arrived, and I received stitches before being taken to the hospital for check-ups.

As the doctors finished examining me, Irene made her way towards me, hugging me tightly before swiftly ushering me to the car without uttering a word. Carefully, she drove us home, the silence heavy in the air. I could see the restrained emotions in her eyes, teetering on the verge of tears.

Upon reaching home, she rushed upstairs to our room. I followed suit, finding her standing by the window, looking outside with silent sobs. Approaching her, I tried to hug her, but she pushed me away, holding emotions that needed a way out.

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