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I was reading a bedtime story to my daughter, Aria when she let out a sigh. She is 7 years old and is an introvert just like me. She is so sweet.

''Aw,'' I kissed her forehead. ''What's wrong baby?''

''I'm lonely,'' she said sadly. ''I want a little brother or sister with whom I can plan with.''

I chuckled and tucked her in bed. ''Soon, baby. Sleep well, okay? Goodnight love.''

Aria snuggled with her stuffed animals and replied with a yawn, ''Goodnight, mommy.''

Then, I turned on her cute night light and quietly left the room. I closed the door and just as I turned around, I saw my husband, Raymond leaning against the wall next to our daughter's room. I know that he heard what Aria said as he had a smirk on his face.

Before I could utter a word, he came forward, lifted me up and threw me on his shoulders.

''What the h--?'' He slapped my butt and I gasped.

''What are you doing?'' I asked with irritation.

''You heard the girl,'' he said walking towards our bedroom, ''she wants a sibling.''

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