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Helene found herself trapped in an arranged marriage with Boris Petrov, a man who seemed to lack any visible emotion. Their interactions were mostly formalities, and Helene couldn't shake off the strong dislike she harbored for her seemingly indifferent husband.

One day, as they were going about their routine grocery shopping, an unexpected altercation disrupted the mundane task. A random man aggressively shoved Helene's shoulder, his disdain evident in the dirty look he shot her.

"Watch where you're going," he spat out, leaving Helene shocked by the sudden hostility. Boris, however, chose not to intervene or stand up for his wife. He simply ignored the incident and continued with their shopping, much to Helene's frustration.

As they made their way back to the car with bags of groceries, Boris abruptly excused himself, stating, "I'll be back."

Left alone, Helene proceeded to load the groceries into the car, her mind buzzing with curiosity about Boris's sudden departure. Minutes later, she spotted him approaching the car, remarkably calm but with noticeable bloody knuckles.

He climbed into the car, and Helene couldn't help but sneak a glance at him, hiding a smile behind her turned head. The incident had unfolded in a surprising manner, revealing a side of Boris she had never seen – a protective, assertive side that managed to stir a spark of admiration within Helene. The mysterious event, combined with Boris's unexpected reaction, left her pondering about the complexities beneath his seemingly emotionless exterior.

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