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''No,'' he says strictly. My brother's best friend, Roman who was standing in front of me, arms crossed as he refused my request.

''But why?'' I whine. ''Are you really going to let me enter the new year without a kiss?''

He shrugged it off and said, ''Not my problem.'' Then, he tried to walk away; frustrated, I hold his arm and pulled him to me.

I had liked Roman for so long now and I know that he likes me too.

''It's your FUCKING problem...Are you seriously going to ignore your feelings? Just because I'm your best friend little sister??''

His jaw clenched and he averted his gaze from my face. So, I just scoff and uttered sadly, ''Fine. I'll surely find someone at this party to give me a kiss.''

His eyes dart to me; giving me a furious look that says 'You wouldn't dare.'

But I would.

I moved away from him and get on the first chair I found and yelled, ''Hey everyone, we are only one minute to new year. Who would want to --''

I yelp when someone suddenly pulled me down into his arms. It was Roman. My back was pressed into his chest and his lips grazing near my right ear.

''Don't even think about it.'' He hisses, sending chills down my spine. I turn around in his arms and rest my hands on his chest. Our eyes locked, his gaze filled with anger and lust.

''Then, claim what's yours,'' I said. ''Stop being a coward.''

''Your brother --''

''Is not the one you want romantically. I'm not just his little sister. I'm me. The woman you like.''

Roman sighs and rested his forehead against mine.

''Don't kiss another man.''

''Kiss me then.''

He hesitated.

''Fine,'' he finally whispered.

''And we'll be official. The kiss seals the deal. Promise?''

The crowd counts down from ten.

And the moment it hits midnight, Roman smiles at me and kissed me passionately.

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