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Sabrina slowly woke up to the rhythmic sound of raindrops pattering against her bedroom window. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, she reached for her phone on the bedside table – 03:05 a.m. glowed on the screen. Sighing softly, she lay on her back, gazing up at the dimly lit ceiling.

As the soothing sound of rain continued to fill the room, Sabrina felt the comforting presence of arms wrapping around her waist. It was her husband, Ilhan, pulling her gently against his chest. His warm breath tickled her ear as he whispered, "Did the rain wake you up, my love?"

Turning around to face him, Sabrina hummed in response, resting her face against his chest. The gentle fingers of her husband traced soothing patterns up and down her spine, creating a serene symphony with the rain outside.

This moment, embraced by the tender embrace of Ilhan, felt perfect – a memory to be etched into her mind forever. Smiling contently, Sabrina tucked herself further into her husband's chest, finding solace and warmth in the comfort of his arms. As the rain continued its lullaby, she let herself drift back into a peaceful slumber, grateful for the serendipitous harmony of nature and love.

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