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After a five-hour sleep in her St. Barth mansion, Luna Salluci awoke with red eyes and noticeable bags due to staying up late and shedding tears throughout the night.

 Barth mansion, Luna Salluci awoke with red eyes and noticeable bags due to staying up late and shedding tears throughout the night

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Rubbing her eyes, she perched on the bed, reflecting on the events of the past 24 hours. The mere contemplation brought tears streaming down her cheeks. With a sigh, she proceeded to freshen up, adhering to her morning routine and slipping into her preferred beachwear. Tying her long hair into a casual bun, she ventured into the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Opting for blueberry waffles and a cup of jasmine tea, she completed her culinary task in thirty minutes. Returning to her room, she retrieved her sunglasses, phone, and a book, intending to spend the day by the pool. Her goal was simple: to unwind and erase the memories of yesterday.

Taking a seat on the deckchair, Luna donned her sunglasses and powered on her phone

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Taking a seat on the deckchair, Luna donned her sunglasses and powered on her phone. A jolt of surprise hit her as she discovered 20 missed calls and numerous messages from family members – her father, in-laws, and husband. Sighing, she decided to respond to her dad, Luciano, assuring him that she was fine and would be staying in Europe for a few days without disclosing her location. She requested him not to search for her, emphasizing that she would vanish if anyone else attempted to find her, a capability he knew she possessed. Luna also asked him to look after her 'son' until her return.

After placing her phone down, she received a call from an unknown number. Initially hesitant, Luna eventually answered on the third ring, maintaining silence as heavy breaths emanated from the other end before the person spoke.

"Are you alright?" Luna recognized the voice instantly – it was her husband, Raffaele Salluci. Opting not to respond, he continued, "Where are you? Your dad is worried about you."

Without a word, Luna abruptly ended the call, unwilling to hear his voice. Unbeknownst to her, tears streamed down her cheeks, only realizing it when they fell onto her left hand. The prospect of spending the day by the pool alone became unbearable. Gathering her belongings, she retreated inside the house, opting instead to take a stroll in St-Barth to divert her thoughts.

Yet, her attempt proved futile. The sights around her only served as painful reminders of her husband and son. Overwhelmed with gloom, Luna lost her appetite and found herself eating less with each passing day.

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