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Melania Bounty found herself entangled in an arranged marriage with Bertrand Kinsley, enduring two years of a union where Bertrand, still enamored with his ex-wife Jane Hong, persistently ignored her affections. As the sands of time flowed, Jane, for reasons undisclosed, fell out of love, while Melania, against the odds, discovered a deep affection for her husband.

One fateful night, a tempest brewed in the Kinsley household. The catalyst? Melania's acceptance of another man's invitation to dance during Bertrand's business party. Though consumed by jealousy, Bertrand refused to admit his feelings. What stung him even more was the realization that Melania appeared happier in the company of this other man, sparking a poignant reflection on his own lost love, Jane.

In a bid to quell the escalating conflict, Bertrand stormed out of their abode, leaving Melania alone to grapple with the emotional aftermath. That night, Melania retreated to their room, her face buried in the pillow, shedding tears that echoed the turmoil of the earlier events.

Days turned into a week, and Bertrand remained absent. When he finally returned, it was not alone. Clutched in his hand were divorce papers, and by his side stood his ex-wife, Jane. Overwhelmed and defeated, Melania reluctantly signed the papers and retreated to her hometown.

In the solace of a conversation with her best friend, the painful truth emerged. When asked about her love for Bertrand, Melania responded with a heartbroken affirmation. Her best friend probed further, questioning the depth of her love. Melania's poignant reply spoke volumes, "Does it matter?" When pressed about why it did not, she delivered the heart-wrenching truth, "Because it wasn't enough to make him stay."

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