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In the intricacies of my arranged marriage to Harold Evans, a union orchestrated by our fathers to merge businesses and forge family ties, I sensed a growing emotional chasm. Despite being 30 and 23, respectively, our connection seemed confined to the convenience of business strategy rather than any genuine affection.

Three months into our peculiar matrimony, the dynamics took an unexpected turn when Natalia, Harold's assertive best friend, barged into our home, asserting dominance over the environment. Amidst her heated confrontation with a maid, I found myself challenging her unreasonable behavior. Suddenly, she threw a taunt my way, implying Harold's anticipated indifference to our disagreement.

Anticipating my husband's probable apathy, I muttered, ''Harold has nothing to do with this.''

''Whatever,'' Natalia snapped, escalating her insults. ''You are a shitty wife and a whore who sold herself to Harold.''

Before I could respond, I felt Harold's arms enveloping my waist—an unprecedented gesture. I stood in shock, questioning the reality of the moment. The trance shattered when Harold spoke firmly, defending me against Natalia's verbal onslaught.

''Talk to my wife like that again, and you can forget our friendship,'' he warned her.

Suppressing a smile, I watched Natalia storm away in frustration. As she left, I untangled myself from Harold's grip and turned to face him.

''Thank you... I thought you were going to take her side,'' I admitted.

Harold shook his head, chuckling. He once again wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me close. Peering into my eyes, he gently caressed my cheek.

''Why would I take her side over the woman I love more than anything? Tell me!!'' he declared.

My face blushed intensely, resembling a ripe tomato. I buried my face in his chest as we hugged—the first genuine embrace since our arranged union. In the warmth of his arms, he whispered in my ear, ''Say the word, and I'll never speak to her again.''

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