Do It Already

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Here's some advice for you.

When you have feelings for a boy, girl, non-binary, a person for a long time and you want to get it off your chest, one of the only solution to that is to confess your feelings.

Only then would the weight of that on your shoulders would finally be lifted.

But when it comes to facing that person, people get scared.

And it's because they expect the bad and the worst after they did the do. They would think that there would be something far worse than a no.

It can be that their crush would laugh at them, say "ew", or if any case they say yes and plan a date only for them to bail out without any notice.

Of course these are possible but at least you can always be more confident and/or prepare yourself for another rejection that'll hit less hard.

And yes, everyone is afraid of rejection.

Including our main protagonist who thought he had no chance with his crush at all.


"Come on, guys... Don't do this..." a boy protested to his friends as each of the three had their own jobs against him.

One held him back, another kept watch in the hallway, and the third was searching the shoe lockers.

All were different but they had the same objective. "Where is her locker?" A boy with black hair and golden highlights asked as he searched and searched near the entrance of the school building.

A fourth one that was mentioned was being held back by one his friends, obviously being overwhelmed by the one with nearly the same features but with no highlights and

"Come on, Max! Let me go!"

"No!" The large boy named Max remarked with no hesitation. He closes his scarlet eyes while hugging the boy up from the ground, squeezing the life out of him as Y/n just wheezes.

"Max! Max! Let me breathe! Let me breathe!"

"Oh! I'm so sorry, Y/n!" Max loosens his grip a bit on Y/n as the h/c thought this as a perfect opportunity to run.

Only problem was the big boy's grip was still firm even if it felt his hands were gentle. "I'm still not allowed to let you go though..." Y/n groans at his high school friend as he goes to continue to shout at his childhood friend.

"Noodle! Please stop looking for her locker!"

"I'll pass..." Noodle smirked slyly before scanning once more at the lockers and then gasping lightly to himself. "Found it~..."


The boy would squirm more from his friend's hug as he turns to his third friend who kept watch from the hallway.

"Come on, Reina! Help me!"

"We are helping you..."

His other childhood friend, Reina Tanabe who only has her arms crossed and is giving Y/n a stern look.

"But you should know already! The past with my other crushes and how they bailed out on me?"

Then he felt a tighter squeeze when Y/n tries to fidget around his bigger friend's death grip.

"Come on, man! Loosen up a bit! I can't even breathe when you're squeezing me like a toddler and his teddy bear!"

"Noodle said I'm not allowed to let you go unless told otherwise!"

"Ugh... Noodle!"

"Fine... Max, let him go... I already put the letter in her locker..."


"Okay!" Max would reply happily and let Y/n go and drop him onto the ground. Y/n gets up, coughing softly as he glared at his childhood friend. "What the hell is your problem, Noodle?"

"We had to step in... Bro, you keep telling me how your crush is so beautiful, irresistible, but you're just all talk and no action..."

"But I was going to do it soon!"

"Soon as in when it's too late?"

"No! This one is-"


The three boys glanced over to their only female friend of the group who ran to them. "The girl is coming!" She warned them as Noodle smiles lightly.

"Alright! Let's book it, boys! Reina!" Y/n commands and takes off running out the front entrance, following him was Reina and then Max.

"What the- Hey!" Y/n shouted at them before running after them.

Even though the small sprint was only a minute to the back of the school, Y/n was out of breath when he'd catch up to everyone. He was panting heavily, his friends were nothing but silent as Noodle just crosses his arms and smirked at his friend.

"Ya gotta start working out, man... or join the rugby club..." the tanned boy advised the unfit boy that continued to pant softly this time as he received a tap on his shoulders.

"We're rooting for you... You just gotta be confident... Worst she could do is call the police..."


"Happened to me before... but with you, I don't think any officers need to be involved with you..."

Beep! Beep! Beep!

His phone goes off during his little motivational speech as he checks his phone and sighed softly. "We have to go... Clubs..." Noodle said as each one of the three athlete Y/n was friends with split up and walked away.

Not before Noodle turns back and shouts to his h/c friend.

"Four o'clock, Y/n... Rooftop, you're on your own..." he chuckles before running off once more.

Y/n was left to himself for a bit, watching everyone walk off to wherever they needed to be as he glanced down at the phone that he pulled from his pocket and read the time.


It was three-thirty five.

Shikimori X Unconfident Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now