Feeling Sickly

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"...Achoo!" Y/n sneezed loudly as he walked down the stairs of his own home. He yawned softly, slowly making his way to the first floor and into the kitchen where he would find two adults.

One of them was washing the dishes, another was on his phone while eating as he glanced up and finds his son up on an early weekday.

"Good morning, Y/n..."

"Good morning, dad... Achoo!"

"You alright, big guy?"

"Yeah... Can't stop... Achoo! ...Can't stop sneezing for some reason... Achoo!"

The second adult which we can say is his mother glanced his way and tilts her head. "Are you sick?"

"I... Achoo! ...I think so... Me and Shikimori got caught in the... Achoo! ...in the rain..."

"Ooh~... Did anything happen?~" his father asked curiously as Y/n just sniffled and shakes his head. "No... It would've been fine if the stupid wind didn't break her umbrella... I really hope she didn't get sick either..."

"Aw~..." his father said as Y/n's mom chimes in. "Anyways, enough with that for the morning... We need you to eat and rest at home so you can get better..."

Y/n nods in agreement. "Alright... Achoo! Damn!"

"Hey! No cussing!" His mother shouted which scared him and his father. Y/n immediately apologized.

"Sorry, mom! Achoo! Fu-huh-oh my god!~" he moaned loudly to try and replace the incoming sweat word.

Only, it seemed to make things worse as both parents stared at Y/n's antics.

Then out of nowhere,


Y/n stares at his father for a second before,




They go at it, what boys do on instinct as they kept it up for a few seconds until Y/n's mom shouts at them.

"Knock it off you two before the neighbors think something's going on!"

"Sorry, mother!"

"Sorry, mommy! Achoo! Holy freaking smokes, dude!"

"No cussing!"

"I didn't that time!"

"You better not..." she squints her eyes at Y/n for a moment before focusing back on the dishes. Then her mood took a one eighty turn, "You need anything before we leave, hun? I'll get the medicine upstairs and you can just relax on the couch..."

"I'm good, mom... Thanks..."

"You know how to cook for yourself?"

"Yes... I work at your bakery, I should know how to make some pancakes and whatnot..."

"Making sure... And don't try if you feel like passing out..."

"I won't..."

"Good... Get well soon, hun..."

"And don't go to the gym today... No matter how much you like impress the girl..." his father chipped in before rolling his eyes.

"Jeez, I'm not going anywhere..."

"Make sure..." his father laughed as Y/n and his family spent a little more time together before the two adults left.


"Damn, man..." Y/n said as he watched a high school rugby game on his television.

He was on his couch, checking his forehead every few moments as his school was getting annihilated by another school nearby.

Kazehaya High, their team was way too overpowered, especially for one player who wore white sleeves from his arms and legs, scoring tries like nothing.

Y/n could only shake his head softly, wondering how his best friend was feeling right now after an embarrassing loss as he turns off the recorded game that took place last weekend and slumped down on his couch.

"That was awful... It's been a few days but it's just... wow..."

He already watched the game in person but Y/n and Noodle was still appalled from Saturday.


The time was three thirty.

Y/n was waiting for some of his friends to come over.

It's been a while since all four of us did something for once together...

That's right, Y/n was waiting for Noodle, Max, and Reina, they were coming over to bring over his homework for today. They'd plan on working together and then play some games or talk, depending on how everyone was feeling.

To Y/n, at least his sickness wasn't so bad. He believed that they won't get sick too when they come over.

He was looking forward to it, he stood up to stretch a little bit to get that stiffness out of his system and thought about what he could make when they get here.

Snacks should be reasonable... Maybe some cookies... I bet Max would love that...

Ding! Dong!

"Oh, good... They're here..."

He takes a deep breath before heading over to the front entrance and swung the door open.


He was met with shock.


Shikimori X Unconfident Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now