Hugs & Kicks

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Eventually, Y/n, Shikimori, Kyou, and Yuki's after school hangout came to an end.

And like usual, the four of them walked through the neighborhood where surprisingly all four of them lived in. But the first ones to go were Yuki and Kyou as they had to part off from a split in the road from Y/n and Shiks.

Kyou was the first to part as she waved at the Shikimori and Y/n. "Alright, see you two at-"

"It's good seeing you today, Y/n~..." Yuki comes in with a hug. She had quickly got to Y/n to greet him away as the boy was too shocked to even react.

"Wuh-" he stuttered as Yuki glanced up at him with a glare. "You're supposed to hug back!"

Y/n was at a loss of words for a moment.

But since Yuki was putting him in the spotlight, saying "no" wasn't an option if he wanted to look calm and good in front of Shikimori and Kyou.

The only thing he did was hug back hesitantly and glanced at Shikimori who was staring daggers at the two.

Shit... This is bad...

"Oh, we're saying bye like this now?" Kyou joins in as Yuki smirks. "Yeah! Come on, Kyou!" She told the brunette who joins in on the three way hug and left Y/n speechless.

'What was going on?', he thought as he could see the glare from Shikimori only grew grimmer.

Finally the two let's go of Y/n and they waved away once again.

At least they're gone now...

He turns to Shikimori who had an angry pout on her face, looking towards Yuki and Kyou's way.

Was she mad at those two?


She doesn't answer.


"Huh?! Yeah?" She finally snaps from her daze and glanced towards Y/n. He takes a moment to think about that pout she gave towards their friends.

Why the hell was her angry face cute? It didn't even look intimidating at all...

"You ready to go?"

"Oh... Yeah..." Shikimori answered as the two went off to their own path and head for Shikimori's home.

Once there, Y/n turns to the girl once again and finds her lost in her thoughts once more.


"W- Yeah?!" She snaps back and tries to hide her feelings with a smile.

"...Is something wrong? You've been out of it today..."

"Whaaat? No, I'm perfectly fine! Better than yesterday!" She continues to smile widely. "A-Anyways, where to next? You wanna play some games at the arcade? Or go to the park?"

"...Shiks, we're at your home already..."


She turns to her side to find out she was at her house. "...Oh..."

"...Are you sure you're okay? I want to make sure you're not going through something..."

"I'm fine, Y/n... I guess my head's not thinking right for now but it shouldn't be anything you need to worry about..."

"Well, if that's the case..."

Y/n spreads his arms out and walked towards Shikimori.

"I'll see you at-"

"Y/n! Look out!"




The moment went in a blur.

All Y/n knew was Shikimori performing a spinning back kick that nearly hit him.

For Shikimori, she does exactly that, standing on one leg as she glanced at the broken item that she kicked. "Sorry, Y/n... That branch was going to fall on you..."

She turns to the h/c only to see him stare.


Then she realized, this wasn't ladylike or feminine as the magazines she practiced so hard to be in told her that many boys would prefer kind and gentle women.

Not some brutes that know how to punch and kick. Shikimori was nervous, ready for a little verbal confrontation about her behavior.


She's ready for it.

"...That... was badass..."


In her head, it nearly bewildered her as Y/n had a golden smile on what she had done. His eyes fixed on her as he was very curious on the kick.

"That kick was amazing... What do you do? Martial arts? I'm not really familiar with the types of martial arts there are but that was really cool..."

Shikimori was blasted with Y/n's curiosity and compliments as she blushed pink and smiled awkwardly.

"I-I did karate..."

"Did? What happened? You looked like you could've been a great... whatever you call people in karate... But if you dropped out for a reason you can't tell me, I won't push it... But still, that was a great kick, Shiki!"

"Th-Thank you..." she twirled her hair around with a finger and her body nearly melts at the attention Y/n gave her.

She loved it a lot but eventually Y/n calmed down and did what was supposed to be done, he had homework to do after all going home and hugged the girl.

"Like I was trying to say, I'll see you at school, Shiks..."

"Y-Yeah! Same here!" Shikimori said before the girl would head into her home and Y/n heads for his house a couple of blocks away.


Y/n mentally groans to himself.

"That wasn't badass! That was hot!"

Y/n smacks himself on the head a couple of times.

"I knew Shikimori looked fit enough to be a sports athlete but as a martial... artist? Fuck, tomboys are the best!"

"Can you shut the fuck up?!"

Someone screams in the distance inside their home.

"Fuck you, I'm in love with a hot tomboy!" He screams back before running off home while giggling like a little child.

"I'm in love with a tomboy!~ Wooo!"

Shikimori X Unconfident Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now