Returning to School

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Now we're back at the school.

Morning time as Y/n and his friends were in their classroom. Noodle spoke with his teammates of their schedule, Max is reading a book, Reina was talking with her girls' side of her friends, and Y/n?


He was smiling to himself as he still remembers the date he had a few days ago. His head in the sky and his eyes facing the same way as he remembers everything from Saturday.

The movie, the lunch, the quick games they played to pass the time quicker,

...The hug...

He was so focused on that hug.

Her body close to his as the smell of her hair was something he didn't realize since the minute she arrived to their date. It was sweet but her style in appearance yelled "badass sweetheart", her clothes rocked his world but it fit with the beauty that wore it.

Anyways, you can tell that Y/n loved the date he had. His first one but it ended with a bang as Y/n couldn't help but try again for another date.

Maybe she'll accept it... She said she had fun so I should probably ask her again in a week or so... I don't want to be deemed as obsessive... God, this is so difficult...


All of a sudden, a voice snaps him from his early daydream. He shakes his head away from the thoughts and glanced up to see who it was.


Yup, Shikimori.

The same girl who went on the date with him as the first thing he saw from her was that wide smile.

"Thank you for the date!" She bows to him which left him speechless.

In the middle of class? Did she really have that much fun?

"The movie you took me was really good! And the lunch and the arcade! ...But I really hope you're not mad that I arrived late..."

Y/n shakes his hands in defense, "I-It's fine, Shikimori... I had fun with you so Saturday was the best day I had..."

He reassured the girl, leaving her in a surprised state but replaced it with the same smile that she had on earlier.

Then an idea Y/n never expected from her.

"We should hangout again!~ This time I'll be on time, just you wait!~"

Immediately, Y/n agreed to it.

Inside him, it left him jumping around for joy as on the outside he kept his "cool" aura on and cleared his throat. "Is there anything else you needed?"

"N-No! I just wanted to thank you for taking me out!~" Shikimori replied, the smile pasted on her face brightly.

Yet on the inside,

...I just wanted to see you again...

She really wanted to say that but she thought she would be deemed weird to Y/n is she tries that. "But, yeah!~ I'll see you later, Y/n!~" she says before heading to her desk, watching every move she makes as hearts appears around the boy's head.

"Look at you, Y/n... Stepping up..."

Suddenly, another voice chipped in.

This was more of a masculine kind of voice as he finds a boy with black hair and golden highlights and shooed the hearts away and frowned.

"Don't be like that, Noodle..."

"What?" He chuckles as he leans his elbow on his friend's desk and punched lightly at his shoulder. "It looks like you're finally getting into the friendzone with Ms. Shikimori! Next stop, love station!~"

The only thing Y/n did was sigh lightly and retaliate back.

"Come on! You know Shikimori's not just a cutie..."

The two quickly looked at the readers before turning back to each other.

"Have you seen her outside from her looks? Yeah, she can be pretty and intimidating sometimes but do you see her play sports? Talking to people? Do you not see how out of place I look if I were to be her boyfriend?"

Then another hit from Noodle, a little bit more of a slap to the chest as he wasn't smiling anymore.

It scared Y/n a little, not liking when he isn't the usual cheery boy he grew up with.

"Stop doubting yourself already, Y/n... She accepted your date and told you she had fun..."

"You saw all of that?"

"Yes, but that besides the point...What matters now is that she asked to hang out with you again so I don't know why you're here talking about 'you don't have a chance' because I can tell you that not a lot of people get to hang out with Shikimori... especially with the boys..."



The two stared at the ceiling, indicating only one thing.

"That's the bell..." Noodle says as he gets up from the desk and took a couple of steps away from Y/n. He then turns back one last time as he had a small smile this time. "You should talk to her again soon..."

Y/n flinched back, "Again?!" He nearly shouted as Noodle got that frown back and spread his hands out.

"That's what I said! Again! You like Shikimori! The only way you can get her to like you is to talk to her!" Noodle explains as Y/n was ready to tell him he wasn't ready.

But it made sense in their eyes, hesitating when he glanced at Shikimori who had her focus to the front of the class in her seat and turns back to his childhood friend. "...You really think it'll actually work?"

"That is if you play your cards right... I believe in you, Y/n... All of your friends do..." Noodle answers for the very last time in the morning before heading back to his desk that was in the front corner of the room.

Y/n watched Noodle, he thought about the words that his friend made as he glanced over at Shikimori one last time and thought about their date.

The successful ending and her request for another day to hang out.

He starts to blush lightly.

...Am I really the only one with a chance to date her? This seems like something out of some kind of anime... but I really want to hit it off with her as someone that she can rely and love...


...I really don't want to slip up with her... I sincerely want her to be my girlfriend...

Shikimori X Unconfident Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now