Confess Dammit

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The time was now four.

We find an agitated Y/n near the entrance of the rooftop as he paced back and forth. His head filled with thoughts of endings that could happen. 

He was about confess his feelings... or ask someone out on a date as he thought the worst outcome after pulling off another confession to a girl he liked a lot.

"The worst she can do is say 'ew'... I hope she doesn't say that... nor laugh... or get the cops called on... Sorry you had to go through that, Noodle..."

Y/n would slap himself back to reality and take a huff of determined breath. "Focus, Y/n! Noodle and his friends are rooting for me! I have to do my best!" He remarked to himself as he grits his teeth and went through the door that lead to the rooftop.


The sun hits his face, a mild flash bang as the warmth slowly soothes his nervousness.

His vision gained back its focus and immediately found a girl gazing out from the rooftop. He knew who it was, approaching the student who's long pink hair dangled down from behind and swayed around through the wind.

He gets to a good distance and, "Sh-Shiki... mori..."

The slender figure turns to him as he was met with a warm smile.

"...Oh~... Hey, Y/n~..."

This is Shikimori.

This is the girl that Y/n had a crush on entering high school last month. He met her on the first day and during the thirty seconds they conversed, he already fell in love with her looks.

But when time went in for the month they were in high school, Y/n figured out a lot of things that she had done and was interested in.

Like how she used to do judo and was a very kind individual to others, it only made him fall for her harder.

Especially now when her beautiful voice soon cracked his confidence and was left to dust.

Just from this statement alone made him flustered as his body stood stiffly in front of the girl.

"How are you?~"


Y/n couldn't get past the word "I", his pupils shrunk out of pure nervousness as his stomach did a double backflip.

K-Keep it together, Y/n! Just make some small talk! Get your mind back into place!


His voice cracked just from that one word.

...What the fuck was that...

"Are you okay?"

Suddenly, Shikimori tilts her head with a worried expression on her face. It swept Y/n off of his feet as he jumped back and continued his frenzied tenseness.

"Y-Yeah! I'm cool! Just..."

Finally he tries to take a breath so his head could stop being so jittery, thinking his original approach was the best way to go.

Just say it already... Get it over with and probably cry in the corner right after...


He decides to face the music now.




"...Do you want to hang out this weekend?"

Mentally, he was relieved.

Being able to say those words made his shoulders feel light, a heavy load finally lifted from him as he was able to let his feelings go and not suffer from neglecting his feelings.

I'm free... free from this cursed feeling now... When she says no, just thank her for her time and leave... No awkwardness, be straight-

"Sure~... What did you have planned?~"



That's when it hits him.

...Oh shit!

He was definitely not ready for that answer, once more he becomes a stuttering mess as his cheeks became rosey red.

"I-I was thinking a movie would be fine? If it's not, we can do something else!" He chuckled softly, his awkwardness was no longer contained as Shikimori only smiled.

"A movie sounds good~... sh-should we see one at noon tomorrow?~"

His eyes sparkled at the request, "Of course!" He shouted excitedly which lead to his crush doing nothing but cover mouth as she giggled.

"I'll see you Saturday then, Y/n!~" she nods before running towards the exit of the rooftop.

Not before she stops as she swings the door open and shouted back at the boy.

"Let's meet at the fountain tomorrow!~"

"Yeah! Let's!" Was the final line Y/n and Shikimori had in their conversation as Shikimori eventually left the rooftop and left Y/n to himself.

"...That went smoother..."

He smiles softly as he had booked a date with his high school crush.

He starts to fantasize to himself, about the date that is as he hoped to have a good time. Watching a movie, side by side as Y/n would occasionally glance to her way and they'd lock eyes.

Or they would accidentally touch hands as they reached for their popcorn.

Maybe even grab something to eat afterwards.


...Then his experiences with his other confessions appears.

He wished to swat those awful thoughts away but they get to his head and to his heart.

Someone so beautiful, going out with someone that was as ordinary as him?

"...She's going to bail out on me at the last second, is she?"

Shikimori X Unconfident Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now