Contacts & Glasses

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Shikimori is in class.

But she was stressed out.

It's early in the morning, it's common with a lot of students in school. But that wasn't the reason.

She's an early morning person but something else has been bothering her.

"No, no, no, no... Contacts... Where are my eye contacts?" She asked herself as she dug through her bag for eye contacts from what we can tell.

The desperate look in her eyes says it all. It was really important to her as the only thing she found that was eye related was a small box that looked to hold a pair of glasses inside.

She frowned sadly, "No... I can't..." she whined softly as she glanced at the entrance of the doorway. "I don't want to... He's going to think I look like a nerd..." she hesitated for a little more until she finally accepts her fate.

"Fine, I guess I'll wear my glasses for the day..."

She digs into her bag once more to grab her glasses that was in a small box. But once she did, she drops it.

"Ugh, gosh darn it..." she said as she goes to grab it back up from the ground.

The only problem was her vision wasn't so good so she doesn't know exactly where her glasses were so she has to predict where by blindly pressing her hand on the ground.

She would fail many times, getting frustrated.

"Come on... Where is it?"

"Where's what?" She hears a familiar voice ask her. With her best efforts, she glanced around with the blurry vision she had and finds a figure that resembled the exact person she was thinking of, squinting her eyes a little to confirm her suspicions.

"Y/n? Is that you?"

"...Yeah, it's me... Why do you ask?"

"I don't have my contacts and I dropped my glasses so I'm not able to see where they are..."

"You wear glasses?"

Then she suddenly grew pale.

It slipped out of her mouth unintentionally. The only thing she didn't want Y/n to know. She was very insecure about her eyesight, especially when she planned on telling him when she was more comfortable.

Today wasn't the day and yet the truth was revealed, nodding nervously. "Y...Yeah..." she answered, awaiting for Y/n's taunting response.

"...Oh, cool... Can I see your glasses?"


That's all she felt when Y/n took it lightly and instead wanted to see them for himself. But Shikimori knew there was something wrong.

"That's the problem... I dropped them and I can't find them..."

"You mean these are your's?"

With her blurred vision, she sees him present something. Leaning close and squinting, she could make up of a pair of glasses with clear frames.

Those were her's.

"They are! Thank you, Y/n!~" she thanked him before reaching for her glasses and accidentally pushed it out of his hands.

"...Oops..." she said as she tries to grab it again for it to be stolen.

"Here, let me do it, Shiks~..." she heard Y/n say before deciding to let the h/c put it on for her.

As best as she can, she watched as he pushes the glasses closer and closer to her face and sure enough, they were on. Her vision was much better, blinking a couple of times and smiling widely to her best friend.

"Thanks, Y-"

"Wo- Damn, you're cute!"


Unaware of his thoughts becoming loud, the boy slapped his mouth shut and his eyes grew wide. He wasn't supposed to say that out loud at all.

God dammit, Y/n!

"Heh?!" He heard Shikimori shouted as he threw his hands up in defense and backed up. "I-I'm sorry, Shikimori! It slipped really bad! I didn't mean to make you feel-"

"Y-You think I'm... cute?"

A curveball.

At first, Y/n thought he messed up for a second when he made such an unexpected catcall. He answers back with, "Well, yeah... I've never seen you with glasses before but this... I couldn't help it..."


That did it for Shikimori.

An insecure event turns into a cute yet funny reaction when he slipped the compliment to Shikimori suddenly.

But with a massive blush and a smile, "Thanks, Y/n!~" she tells him.

It shocked Y/n that she didn't call him out for something unnecessary or was deemed harassment nowadays. He turns away a bit after seeing that genuine smile that soothed his nerves.

"Y-Yeah... No problem..."

Shikimori does the same, she was super embarrassed but she was also super happy as the blush didn't show any signs of cooling down any time soon.

Oh my gosh! He thinks I'm cute! He thinks I'm super cute with my glasses on! Thank you, God for not telling me that I left my contacts at home!

For Y/n, he couldn't get the thought of Shikimori wearing glasses. It was a good change of pace to see her differently.

And those glasses did her great as he turns to Shikimori, only getting a side view of her and her glasses but man, they were eye candy to him. He continues to stare for a little while before finding Shikimori glancing back at him.

They made eye contact and glanced away from each other once more with their blushing faces still intact.

She is so cute... I'm so lucky...

He thinks I'm really cute~... I'm super duper happy he thinks that way~...

Shikimori X Unconfident Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now