Chapter 1

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The Roberts family consists of Noah and Sarah Roberts and their two children Nathan Roberts and his younger sister Nina Roberts.

Then there are the Bowens,they consisted of Henry and Alexa Bowen and their son Richard Bowen.

It is 2008, Nina and Richard are four, well Nina is nearly four, it is her birthday in one week.Today the two start kindergarten and that is where our story really begins.

It is the 6th of September 2008 and Nina wass having trouble going to school as she didn't want her parents to leave her, scared they would never come back., but here she is in the bumble-bee classroom all alone with no-one she knows.

Little Nina goes to a quiet and dull place in the classroom where no one is sitting. She feels the hot tears on her face and her vision become blurry and instantly knows she is crying.

Richard on the other hand walked into the school with no problems of letting his parents go as he is bouncing in excitement to make friends.

When he walked intothe bumble-bee classroom he realized that he didn't even cry and actually pushed his parents out of the door.

He looked around the colorful classroom and saw alittle girl with her head in her legs.

When he slowly approaches her he can hear little silent sniffles and immediately knows she is crying.

When he was right in front of her he asked softly while crouching down to her level, "Why yre you crying?" Nina looked up to see the curly-haired boy crouched before her.

She replied. "I want to go home. I miss my mommy and daddy." Richard feels his little heart break at this so he decides to do what his mom does when he is sad, he hugs her.

Nina's POV:

When the mystery boy hugs me, a wave of calmness and safety floods throughmy body. I need to know who this boy is. I start to pull away from the hug andmutter a small "thanks" to him.

"What is your name?: I questioned him.

General POV:

"What is your name?" she questioned him. "Richyrd" he answered. As you can see our little RIchard can't pronounce his a's properly.

"Richard, I am Nina, it is apleasure to meet you and thank you for helping me when I was crying." she says. "It is no problem Nini." he replies.

"It is Nina" she states. "Nini?" he questions." No it is,nevermind Nini is better and not so grown up. I like it RIcky." she says casually.

"Ricky?" he questions. "Yes it is your nickname because no one under the age of 50ty should be named Richard." she shrugged. "Ricky. I liked it" he says.

They both form big smiles on their faces. After school that day Richard told everyone to always call him Ricky and Nina told everyone to always call her Nini.

From that day they were no longer Richard and Nina but Ricky and Nini.

Thanks for commenting and voting and reading it means so much to me.

Remember you are important and incredible. Take care of yourself, Eat and drink water. Sleep enough

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