Chapter 7

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When they arrive Mike gets out and knocks on the door. Cameron opens "Hey everyone." he says and they all wave. He looks at Mike and says to the kids. "how about you go surprise Nathan and Daniel in his room." they nod and go upstairs.

EJ and Gina knock on the door and stand to the side. The two older boys turn around and see their favorite duo. Their happy expression quickly changes when they see the puuffy red eyes.

Theu invite them in. The other two know to go to Nini's room since they are not apart of the conversation.

Nini and Ricky gd the two older boys what happened. They were not happy at the end of the story. The other two joined and they decided to have a movie marothon. Hallway through the forth movie they were all board that is when they decided to play a game.

The game they decided to play was the the phone gave them different tasks. Gina and EJ had to sing 'Love is an open door' from frozen.

Then Nathan had to drink 500ml of water in one sip. Daniel had to name every Joshua Bassett song.

It was Ninis turn and she got slow dance to 'Say you won't let go' by James Arthur with the person on your right. Ricky happened to be next to her on her right.

They danced more like swayed to the music. Ricky then says "This is our song." Nini looks up at him "Why?" she asks. "Cause I never ever want to lose you. And if I do, I don't know what I would do." he admits

"I don't want to lose you either bubs and I won't know what to do either." she says to him. "she says and he smiles and hugs her while swaying to the music.

The two ten year olds must have forgotten they had an audience. "I bet those two will end up together "Gina says.

" I agree but let's fate decided how it happens. "Nathan say and everyone agrees.

They say fate will decide what happens. What if fate doesn't bring them together and  they don't fall in love. What if they fall apart just like his parents are and they lose one another ?

Thanks for commenting and voting and reading it means so much to me.

Remember you are important and incredible. Take care of yourself, Eat and drink water. Sleep enough

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