Chapter 4

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General POV :

It has been a few months since our little Ricky and Nini met now the other half of their group Gina and EJ. Ricky and Nini are still best friends and have become even closer since then. Gina and Nini bond over doll dresses and outfits, while Ricky and EJ bond over playing ball games.

EJ has become like a brother to Nini that doesn't mean Nathan isn't her older brother anymore because he always will be. What it means is that she has a different kind of connection with him than she does with Ricky. It is the same connection she has with Nathan or even Daniel.

It is a Saturday afternoon and Ricky and Nini are in a meadow of daises. "Bubby?" Ricky says. "Yes?" Nini answers from her spot lying down with her head in his lap. "I love you." he says.

"My mommy and daddy say that to me. What does it mean?" she asks. Ricky shrugs before speaking "I don't know but I think you say it to you favorite people and people you care alot about." he says. "Well then I love you too. Cause your my favorite person." she says. "Your mine too." he says.

She sits up and pecks his cheek. "My dad and mom do that to me after they tell me they love me so I decided to do it to you." she says when she sees his raised eyebrow. "Ok. I liked it." he says with a smile. She smiles back.

She suddenly gasps. "What?" he says when he sees her face light up. "Let's make flower crowns." she says. He laughs at her excited "I don't know how." he admits. "I will show you." she says.

He smiles. They both gather lots of flowers to make crowns. Nini shows him how to do one and he battles at first. But he does finally get it. When de is done it looks like a proper flower crown. Nini looks up from making hers and smiles. "Bubs it looks so good." she says and claps.

"Thank you." he smiles he then puts it on her head. "Now princess there is your crown." he says. She giggles "But I am not a princess." she says.

"You are a princess. My princess. In fact I am going to call you princess sometimes." he says with a big smile. "Well then here is your crown my prince." She says putting it on him.

Thanks for commenting and voting and reading it means so much to me.

Remember you are important and incredible. Take care of yourself, Eat and drink water. Sleep enough

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