Chapter 20

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"Happy one year Angel." He says as he wraps his arms around her waist. Hugging her from the back.

She turns around with a big smile. "Happy anniversary baby." she says excitedly. He leans down and kisses her.

Yes it has been a year since they told each other they loved each other and they have never been happier.

Of course there were fights, none of them are perfect but they always worked it out and it made them stronger and able to be better.

Anastasia tried to talk to Rick for the first two months but he always ignored her. It was only when Nini wrote 'Apolocpitic Crush' and sang that to her, did she finally back off.

And as for Theo. He was welcomed into the group and so was his girlfriend Kiara. Ricky actually thanked him and now he is his best friend next to EJ.

And let me tell you, those three are super close. If they aren't with their girlfriends, who they are with most of the time. They are with each other.

"HAPPY ONE YEAR." Theo, EJ and Gina shout through the hallway. The couple break away from kiss and laugh.

They all hug one another. Theo and Nini had also gotten close but they act like how she acts with EJ, Daniel and Nathan.

Speaking of them Nathan proposed to Emma four months ago and Dan proposed to Bekki last month.

"So what are the plans for celebrating Mr. And Mrs. Bowen?" Theo asked wiggling his eyebrows.

The couple both blush at that but Nini replies "MATTHEO RIDDLE NO. We are going to our spot." Ricky nods along.

Gina and EJ just laugh at them. "So we haven't told each other where we are all going for univer next year." EJ stats to say.

"maybe we should." Gina finishes. "How about on three?" Nini suggests and they all agree. "One, two, three."Mattheo counts and then at the same time they all say.


"We are all going to the same university Ahh. This is going to be amazing." Gina says and everyone agrees.

Later that day Nini and Ricky are at their spot. "I want to talk to  you about something." Ricky says nervously. "Of course baby. What is it?" she asks.

"Umm I have been thinking uh about something recently for uh a few weeks now actually and uh I think I should finally talk to you uh about it." He says.

"Go ahead love, I am listening." she says taking his hand in her hopinv that would calm him down.

"Umm I think we should move in together. After graduation I mean. Like for university. If you want to of course." He says looking in her eyes.

"Really?" she asks with a big smile. "Really." He says. "Ye yes yes. A million times yes." she says jumping into his lap.

"Well then I have a gift for you." He says and pulls out a box. She raises her eyebrows and him and he nods telling her to open it. She does and gasps when she see what is inside it.

"Those are the keys to our new apartment in California. It is about ten minutes from UCLA." He says. "How? When?" she asks.

"When my dad went on that business trip two months ago, he went and looked at it and sent photos and since then I have been filling out the paper work. I got the keys a few days ago." He says.

"This is amazing. Thank you love. I love you." she says. "I love you too Princess." He says and kisses her.

When they pull away "Say you won't let go." Nini says too him. "Never." he says and kisses her forhead.


I hope you enjoyed this.

This book is now completed. Ahh that is crazy.

Eat, drink water, sleep enough. You are all incredible and truly amazing and deserve the world.

I love you all

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