Who are the 2 deans?

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The students of the schools got dropped in front of the castle where they belong. For evil, a dark but weird enough still beautiful castle, surrounded with dead trees and black muddy water. The school for good, a beautiful white castle with a huge flower garden and there are lovely cute animals.

On the side of evil, the students fell out of the sky into the muddy water, they walked towards the castle where lady lesso was waiting for all of them to arrive. Everyone gathered, and everyone thought the same, 'who's that woman? And why are we here' lesso turned around and spoke, 'hello everyone, i am lady lesso!' 'Welcome to the school for EVIL' everyone looked with pure shock at lesso, everyone admired her and the power that she holds. Lesso turned around to go, and she said: ' GET READY' because in 10 minutes y'all have to be in the dinning hall, don't you dare to be even a second late! She walked away and mumbled, 'let's see how dovey is handeling everything'.

In the school for good, everyone woke up in a beautiful sort of a huge soft flower bed. The birds are chirping and the weather is beautiful which it always is on the good side. The students went inside and it was mind blowing, it was even more beautiful on the inside. Flowers everywhere and a huge water fountain which looked magical. There sat professor dovey in a beautiful long yellow dress, she was talking to the birds. A student said: hello ma'm could you explain where we are? Dovey turned her head and said: oh sorry dear, I haven't seen y'all coming! I'm professor dovey dean of the school for good. She made a twirl and everyone already saw how loving and sweet dovey was.

She continued with her story: you guys are now the students of this school and y'all are gonna learn everything abt being a true prince or princess with beautiful magic! Everyone was in shock and exited for their lessons. Dovey smiles and says: everyone explore the castle if you would want to and don't forget to get ready everyone! In your rooms are dresses, suits and ofc make-up. We've got more time than lesso so in ehm let me think.. in 20 minutes at the dinning hall. You guys will meet lady lesso and the nevers there.

Dovey went to the dinning hall, and to her surprise lesso was already waiting for her. 'Oh hey, lesso, what are you doing here this early? 'Oh nothing princess i was just waiting for you, lesso said'. 'Well thankyou leonora, so how did the introduction go'? 'Oh well lesso said, it went the same as always, I already saw those weren't evil enough..' 'it's gonna be alright' dovey said with a smile, 'you'll teach them i know you can' lesso crossed her legs and stared in front of her. 'Where are those bastards, they're gonna be late' dovey laughed and said in a joking way: 'someone's grumpy today i see' lesso turned to look at dovey with a bothered look and replied: 'well I can't do anything about it remember, i am evil, you're good and always happy and full of energy' 'i know that you aren't pure evil lesso, i know better than that love'.

Then the doors opened and the evers started to walk in and they took a seat. 'Right on time lovelies' dovey said. 'Ofc the nevers are late, like ALWAYS! Lesso said angrily. She walked over to her school and got the werewolf guards to call everyone to come immediately. She turnes around, walking back to her chair, she heard the evers mumbling stuff. 'Why's she so mad?' 'Is that the evil woman?' Lesso glared at them for a moment with a look of despise. The students looked like they had seen a ghost. Lesso broke down laughing at them afterwards and mumbled 'idiots'. 'Was that necessary lesso, now they are already afraid of you' 'can't i have a laugh? That was funny' lesso said, she sat down and ticked impatiently with her nails on the chair.

Then the nevers walked in, and oh my god they were loud, all yelling and evil laughter. When everyone sat down lesso stood up and she hits the ground with her cane and yelled: 'SHUT UP!!' Lesso sat down and dovey stood up to speak, 'hello everyone, some of you already know me, some don't .' 'I'm professor dovey dean of the school for good, the evers were cheering and yelling 'evers, evers, evers, evers,' lesso stood up and said, 'and I'm lady lesso, dean of the school for evil' the nevers yelled: 'KILL YOU' 'KILL YOU' 'KILL YOU' KILL YOU' that's enough, QUIET!

'It's already late so i think it's a wonderful idea to get some rest' dovey said. 'the fairy's will lead you the way to your rooms and you'll get to know each other and we'll meet again tomorrow when we'll have dinner together! Everyone left and now it were just lesso and dovey in the dinning room.

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