No longer a secret

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lesso went downstairs to get dovey and her some lunch, this time she'd make it herself, she got dovey some bread with cheese and a glass of milk. For her self, water and a toast with avocado, that was her favorite food. She went over to dovey and placed the food on a plate on the bed. 'Shit, i forgot the tea' lesso turned around and went back to make dovey some tea, when she walked on the stairs someone bumped into lesso, an ever...

'F*CK- THAT HURTSS' some tea got on her suit and it burned into her skin a bit. The ever looked at lesso with a scared look, 'i-i.. sorry lady lesso.' The ever stumbled. 'For god sakes, useless piece of shi-.' Lesso tried to say, but she didn't said a word after that and just tried to stay focused and calm. The ever quickly ran away with tears in her eyes because she got scared of lesso. Lesso angrily walked upstairs to Dovey's room which basically is her room too but no one knew. She walked in and the first thing dovey said was

'What's that on your suit?' 'That was a stupid ever of you, bumping into me' lesso said annoyed. She slammed the door shut and went to dovey, 'here's your tea my princess' 'if you don't mind I'll get another suit' she went to the bathroom to change and then dovey heard a scream coming from the barhroom, 'SHIT, COME ON' lesso yelled. 'Lesso what's wrong??' 'no hell no.. where are all my suits?' 'Eh lesso, i think they are washing your suits' dovey laughed and said 'what u gonna wear, we still have dinner with all the students' lesso looked through her black dresses and yelled 'STOP LAUGHING CLARISSA' lesso took a black long dress out of her wardrobe and she wears it.

She came out of the bathroom and dovey immediately said, 'why didn't i know you had such a lovely dress dear!' Lesso rolled her eyes, 'stop it, i hate it' 'no, no, it suits you darling!' Lesso said with a sarcastic voice 'the only thing what suits me are my SUITS..' they laughed and lesso sat on the bed with dovey, 'drink your tea my dear otherwise it will get cold' lesso gave her a kiss on the lips and at that moment an ever came running through their door yelling, 'DOVEY, DOVEY LESSO LOST IT SHE WAS RANGING MA- oh shit- did she saw what just happened? 'You guys- you..' yep, she definitely saw lesso and dovey kissing-

lesso knew they were fucked 'DON'T RUN AWAY HOLD ON' the ever didn't even knew what just happened, there happened a lot, evil and good together? The DEANS of the school?? Dovey was laying there frozen and shocked of what just happened. Lesso on the other hand, handled it. 'What's your name, ever' she said with an angry tone. 'It's delphine' she said very quiet. 'Listen delphine, this, us, never happened' she walked over to delphine and looked her in the eyes, delphine could literally see how serious lesso was.

'Yes lady lesso' 'do you understand' lesso said. Lesso looked at dovey with a face what basically said: we're so fucked. Lesso took the ever by her arm and dragged her with her. 'Dovey don't come I'll handle this' dovey was in pure shock, but she couldn't do much because she couldn't walk, she had no other option then hope lesso could fix it.

'Where are you taking me' the ever asked nervously, 'nothing of your business missy' she still dragged her by her arm to her castle into her doom room. She pushed her on a chair and slowly walked away, she walked over where her weapons hang, and slowly walked passed them thinking of which one she'd use. 'So.. listen up, u can't tell anyone okay?' The ever nodded. Lesso turned around and said 'DO YOU... UNDERSTAND?' The ever looked at the ground. Lesso wanted an answer. 'ANSWER ME' the ever quickly replied ' yes- lesso'

Lesso took a knife, and slowly walked over to the ever. Lesso had a smile on her face and walked over to her with her hands behind her back. 'Would be more suitable if i was in my suit but alright..' the ever looked so scared of lesso.. then lesso was basically so close they shared the same air. 'You're not telling anyone about us alright, ever?' The ever nodded' lesso took a step back and walked in circles around her, she stopped behind her. 'Don't you dare to tell anyone or your hair is gone' she took her by her hair and showed her the knife. 'You'll do everything for your hair right?' The ever replied nervously, 'yes please don't! I won't tell anyone! I promise' lesso backed off and said 'alright now if that's handled u can go back to your room now, and don't you dare to ever talk behind my back to dovey.' She left and went back to dovey.

Lesso opened the door and with a sound of relief she sat next to dovey. 'It's fixed my love' 'lesso what did you do to her' 'nothing.... i maybe have threatened her' dovey shook her head and said 'typical lesso' 'hope she doesn't get nightmares now..'
'oh she will' lesso said laughing. Lesso took a sip of the tea of dovey and says 'oh yeah i needed that' lesso got closer to dovey and hugged her 'how's your ankle doing love?' 'I still can't walk on it' then I'll bring you to dinner i guess , a little early so no one will see im literally holding you' 'sounds like a horrible plan but alright' dovey said laughing

Lesso gave her a kiss and she fell asleep, dovey was still awake going through her hair with her fingers, 'my lovely red head' she whispered, she stroke her hand against her cheek and eventually she fell asleep hugging her. They're the cutest together.

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