The doom room

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Lesso stormed away and went to her room, she took a deep breath before she went in..
'Hey darling, I'm back'
Dovey turned around,
'Heyy, I've came far with some of my idea's for the wedding!'
'Let me see!!'
Lesso walked over to dovey and gave her a kiss on her head,
'How were the lessons?'
Lesso gave her a weird look,
'Eh lessons?'
'Oh yeaaah, they went alright'
Dovey nodded and turned away and starting writing her idea's on the paper.

Lesso sat down and some hours passed,
'It's time for dinner lesso, are you coming'
Lesso thought abt the situation... lilith-
'Yeah coming!'
They walked downstairs to the dinning hall and they sat down, lesso on one side of the table where all the evil teacher take place, and dovey on the other side where the good side belongs. Lilith came in and smirked, she went over to lesso and sat down next to her. She saw dovey looking with confusion...

'Good evening' Lilith said and she winked
'Good evening Lilith' lesso said with a bothered voice
'I can hear you're very pleased to see me'
she laughed and placed her hand on lesso's thigh.
Lesso looked at her in confusion and she pushed Lilith's hand away and whispered,
'Don't do your little stunts now Lilith, don't you dare'
Lilith smirked,
'Or what lesso, you're gonna take me to your doom room?'
Lesso rolled her eyes,
'Just shut up and eat, i am capable of torturing you Lilith and i might will'
'Looking forward to it'
Lilith bit on her lip and started eating her food

Dovey stood up and announced dinner like she always does
'Good evening ever and nevers!'
'I see that y'all had a great day! Let's keep up the good work and enjoy our dinner!'
Dovey sat down and ate, for dinner they had lots of things, pork, chicken, beef, steak, and ofc vegetables and vegetarian food for dovey. They were eating and Lilith constantly did little stuff for dovey to notice, for example when lesso was eating..
'Les, you've got some on your lips' she wiped it off her lips and licked her fingers
'I can taste the lipstick'
lilith smirked and looked at dovey with 'that look' we all know what she's doing

Lesso kicked her under the table, she looked pissed-
'lilith what the actual fuck, dovey is sitting there and i said no stunts!'
'Oh but you know i like stunts darling, what did you expect me to do...'
Lesso stood up and yelled,
'EVERYONE DINNER IS OVER, RETURN TO YOUR ROOMS PLEASE, see y'all tomorrow morning at breakfast.

She has had enough of lilith's shit- she was so done!
She grabbed her by her arm and dragged lilith with her. She went to the doom room and pushed her on the chair. She tied her arms and legs to the chair.
'Just so you know, you crossed the line and i am willing to kill you'
'We both know you can't kill me lesso'
'Oh sure i can'
She walked away and took a knife, she walked back to lilith.

'You have humiliated me and made a fool out of me, dovey is not sure about me and her anymore all because of you.'
'It's going to end now, you're going to beg for your life and maybe i'll have a bit of mercy left in my cold hearth, you're dead to me lilith.'

'Woah that was a 10 out of 10 for performance lesso, but I'm not scared of you, you're just a walking soft beauty, nothing more'
Lesso took the knife and placed it under her chin,
'Be careful with what you say lilith'
'I'm not scared of a knife lesso, untie me will ya?'
'And give me one reason to do that lilith'
Lilith thought about it,
'I could like, do some things you know, which dovey wouldn't dare'

'Eww lilith what the fuck, I'm not attracted to you.'
'How do you know'
'Lesso you should pay some more attention, haven't you noticed this'
Lesso looked confused but then she felt lilith's hands on her thighs,
'How did yo-
Lilith placed her finger on her lips and whispered in her ear,
'Ssssh, i told you, I'm not easy to handle'
She took her hand off her lips and holds her face, she leaned in for a kiss and pressed her lips against lesso's.

It took lesso a few seconds and then pushed her away rough, she was still holding the knife in her hand and it cuts into her stomach, lilith fell right into the chair,
'Fuck- lesso that fuckin hurts!'
'But admit it, you loved those few seconds..
Lesso got close to her,
' no i did not!'
'Whatever I'm leaving!' Lilith's said with a bothered look.

She stood up and left, she slammed the door shut and lesso chased her, she opened the door and grabbed lilith from behind, she pushed her against the wall and was so close to her..
'Listen, don't you ever make a drama and especially not when my wife is around'
Lilith smirked,
'Come on lesso! You know i am way better than dovey, want me to prove it'
Lesso tried so say
'Prove wh..'
Lilith kissed her AGAIN...
she pushed her so hard against the wall,

'Oh but it's too late leonora'
'Lilith, what do you mean?'
'Your wife just left crying, she saw us'
Lesso gasped and turned around, she ran away trying to find dovey. She saw dovey enter their room, she heard dovey crying. Lesso banged on the door.
'Dovey please open the door!!'
She heard some crying noises and some words,
'I saw you leonora, how could you!'
'I knew there was something between you guys'
'You never wanted to talk about it, now i know why!'
You LIED to me lesso!'

Leonora started tearing up,
'Please Clarissa open the fucking door, it's not what it looks like!'
'I know enough Lesso, go away!'
Lesso broke down and sat in front of the door crying, she didn't knew what to do, she can lose clarissa, her love..
'Dovey please'
Lesso said with a crying and helpless voice.

Dovey openend the door,
'This is your opportunity to tell me what's going on'
Lesso came in and hugged dovey tight
' i am so so so sorry dovey but i promise I can explain'
'I don't want to lose you dovey'
Dovey pushed her away,
'No lesso, I'm mad, just explain'
Dovey was heartbroken and she doesn't trust lesso anymore..
Dovey wondered, does lesso love her as much as she loves lesso? Is it worth to marry lesso? Will she?

I'm so sorry guys! I don't have a lot of time to write.. school sucks:/ hope you guys understand<3
For the holidays i have a busy schedule, sorry if I don't write that much..

If you guys have any idea's for the book please comment xx all thoughts and ideas are welcome xx

Happy Christmas everyone! Or whenever u read this xx

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