Who's lilith?

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Dovey went into the shower, she turned on the water and gasped, she yelled at lesso 'LESSO, WHO SHOWERS IN SUCH COLD WATER' she changed it to warmer water and she heard lesso laughing 'don't be such a drama queen clarissa' dovey went on showering and cleaning the chocolate off her face. In the meantime lesso got some snacks, she got s'mores, hot chocolate and she got some nice fluffy blankets.

Dovey came out the shower with a towel wrapped around her, she saw lesso sitting on bed with all the snacks she got. 'Ooh yummy' lesso smiled and said 'sorry for this morning darling, let me make it up to you' dovey used her magic and she twirled around and was wearing some comfy clothes, she walked over to the bed and looked at the snacks, 'hot chocolate, my favorite! Ty leonora' lesso smiled 'i want something in return' dovey gave her a kiss 'happy now?' Lesso laughed, 'yeah that will do it..' she laughed and made a gesture for dovey to lay closer to her

Dovey got close to lesso and lesso hugged her from behind. 'I love you leonora' dovey said quietly. Lesso kissed her on her cheek, 'i love you too, princess'
They talked about some funny stories of their students and they ate the snacks. Lesso looked at the clock, 'it's pretty late princess' 'we should go downstairs and welcome that one new teacher'
Dovey looked confused 'what are you talking about, new teacher?' 'Yeah, the one with the magic class for evil' lesso gave dovey a kiss, 'let's get ready darling'

Dovey changed her clothes, she was wearing a lovely pink dress, and what a surprise, lesso in her suit. They walked downstairs together towards the gate of the 2 schools. They waited outside for way too long. 'Where is she oh my god she's so late' dovey said with a bothered look. 'This bitch got me standing outside in the cold' lesso rolled her eyes. Finally after 15 minutes a raven flew by and sat in front of the gate, the raven turned into a beautiful middle aged woman with long brown straight hair, she was wearing a long black dress with some lovely black heels. Lesso walked over to her and shook her hand. 'Welcome to our school, you're lilith I suppose?'

Lilith looked at lesso with an indescribable look, she looked at her from head to toe and smiled, she walked over to dovey and looked at her with a look of despise, 'hello.. I'm lilith, it's a ehm.. pleasure.. to meet you dovey' 'you have to be the dean of the good side aren't you' she laughed and rolled her eyes. She walked away and mumbled 'stupid evers' lesso was shocked she was acting this way, she walked over to lilith, 'don't be mean to dovey lilith, it's not a competition between good and evil, you have to understand that. Lilith smirked and said 'she's useless come on, it's an ever' lesso got offended because someone said that about her dovey. She stayed calm and walked away.

When they got inside lesso gave her a tour around the place. Lesso was done with the tour and showed her, her bedroom, here you go, there's your room. Lilith smiled and said 'my bedroom would be less boring if you were in it' lesso was shocked and pressed her against the wall with her cane right under her throat, 'don't you dare, to say such things ever again lilith' lilith looked her in her eyes 'you like games, huh' lesso let her go and walked away to her room, dovey was sitting on their bed,

'Lesso can i talk with you about lilith? Lesso sat down 'I already know what you want to say I suppose' dovey holds her hand and tells her what she thinks about lilith 'the moment she got here i already had some feelings, but the way she looked at you lesso.. she looked in your eyes like i do, i have the feeling she's into you.. lesso knew lilith was, due the accident that had happened not that long ago.. she didn't want dovey to freak out so she didn't tell her
'It's probably nothing my love'
'Lets give her a chance'

dovey had some pretty mixed feelings but she trusts lesso, she agreed. Lesso kissed her and wanted to change the subject 'let's just focus on the wedding now and nothing about lilith at the moment, okay love?' Dovey agreed and went to her little table where her book full of weddings idea's are. She took a seat and started to work on some of her idea's. Lesso walked over to her and stood behind her, she leaned onto dovey's shoulders.

'I love all your idea's love, it's looking great!'
She gave dovey a kiss on her head
'I'm going to check up on the lessons if you don't mind' dovey nodded and lesso walked away
Lesso walked over to lilith's bedroom and she nocked on the door. 'Hold on, who's that?' Lilith said
'It's lesso..' she opened the door and she stood there in a towel- 'LILITH WHAT THE HELL' lilith laughed, it's just a towel jesus leonora' lesso glared at her 'don't you dare to call me leonora one more time' lilith smirked, 'oh but what will happen if i do? Cuz I'm definitely into it'

This woman got some nerves, lesso thought.
'Look i came here to talk' lilith smiled and said
'Yeah sure come in' lesso uncomfortably walked in and she didn't like it at all- lilith sat on her bed and made a gesture to lesso to sit down next to her.
Lesso rolled her eyes and sat next to her, 'look so, we've got rules' lilith rolled her eyes, 'rules are ment to be broken' lesso yelled, 'NO THEY'RE NOT'
'Easy there lesso, don't have such a temper!'

'You're clearly grumpy today' lesso hated her and she literally had to be here for 2 months- it was the rule, the opportunity for a teacher to get to know the school and the time for them to bond is 2 months, until then we can't fire them. 'Maybe i can make you happy' lilith said, she stroked lesso's arm with her finger. 'Don't touch me' lilith gave up, 'maybe another time then' lesso came to her statement and started to tell her what she wanted.

Rules are rules, evers and nevers are not a competition we're basically 1 school and there are strict rules! You have to follow the rules lilith, and whatever this is, cut it off. I have Dovey, she is my girlfriend and soon my wife so back off. She stood up and left.

Lilith was mad, she knew one thing, lesso was going to be hers. She was convinced lesso was her true love. She wants to destroy everything that lesso and dovey have. They shouldn't be together.

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