The breakfast disaster

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They snuggled in bed together and talked about the future, dovey asked, 'hey hun, about us, when will the wedding be?' Lesso thought for a moment and said 'well, whatever you want love, maybe next week?' 'NEXT WEEK!?' 'How are we planning that so fast!?' 'We've got magic princess' they decided they would mention it at breakfast.

Dovey looked at lesso and reminded her of something, 'when u said u hated kids, is that true?' 'You really ment it?' Lesso looked at her with confusion and thought abt it. 'No i don't really hate them, they're just not really my thing you know?' Dovey laughed 'your thing'. Lesso rolled her eyes 'i don't know how to explain it alright' 'yeah yeah got you' dovey said. Lesso looked at dovey and asked 'do you want kids?' Dovey mumbled 'yeah' lesso nodded and took a deep breath, 'alright lovely I'm pretty tired, i want to go sleep if you don't mind' dovey nodded and said 'yeah I'm pretty tired too.

Lesso hugged dovey tight and went through her hair with her fingers, 'gn love' dover felt butterflies in her stomach and literally loved lesso so much, how gently she was around her. Dovey fell asleep and lesso was still hugging her. Lesso thought of something, what if I'd make bride cakes tomorrow and let her test them at breakfast, would be funny, Lesso thought. She got up and went to the dinning hall. 'I'm not making all of that' she snipped with her fingers and there were around 10 wedding cakes on all the tables. She laughed with a little evil laughter in it like she already knew what she was doing.

She went up to her room and snuggled in bed again with dovey. She fell asleep holding dovey in her arms. It was 7am in the morning and dovey already woke up, she watched lesso for a good 10 minutes just looking at her how beautiful and cute she was when she was asleep. She snuggled close to lesso and hugged her and gave her a kiss on her head 'hey lovely wake up' lesso yawned and rubbed her eyes, 'jesus clarissa it ain't even 7:30' 'what the fuck' dovey laughed ' you were so sweet when u were sleeping, now u wake up and you're all grumpy' lesso gave her a kiss and said, 'sorry princess' 'alright let's get up then, morning freak' lesso said.

They stood up and went to the bathroom to change. Lesso got in her suit and dovey struggled with her corset 'leonora help me please' lesso smirked and replied 'how badly do you want my help?' Dovey rolled her eyes 'i badly need your help lesso' lesso laughed and pulled the strings tight, 'what will i get in return princess' 'lesso come on!' Lesso pulled the strings together so badly that she had trouble breathing, 'what did you say?' 'L- less..'
lesso laughed and released the strings of her corset.

'LESSO WHAT THE fu-.... She took a deep breath, 'easy princess breathe before you get mad at me' dovey looked so mad 'what we're u thinking!' 'I don't like those kind of games lesso' lesso smirked and said. 'Oh but i do..' dovey crossed her arms 'leonora lesso of gavaldon, I did not like that!' Lesso smiled and pulled her close by her hips 'oh and what do you like?' 'This...?' Lesso gave her a kiss on her head and then she let her go. Dovey was so confused, 'i- ehh.. eh..'
'it's okay darling just say noting and come to breakfast' , she shushed her and grabbed her cane and walked out.

Dovey stood there at confusion and mumbled
'God dahm lesso, now she still didn't help me' dovey got ready and went to the dinning hall, lesso was already sitting there lauging, 'what the hell is this lesso' lesso pointed her cane at the wedding cakes and replied with 'well just decide which wedding cake you want next weak, we'll try all the cakes with the students' dovey was in shock 'lesso that isn't a normal breakfast at all!!' 'That's literally not healthy' lesso rolled her eyes which she does A LOT- 'ugh who cares clarissa, it's only 1 time'

The students started walking in with shocked but happy looks on their faces, they were all mumbling stuff 'oh my god this is awesome' 'we're getting CAKES!' Lesso stood up and had almost hit a student with her cane, 'LISTEN UP'
'Today is going to be a great day for everyone, we're testing cakes!' The students were surprised to see lesso this happy, they knew she had something planned...

Lesso went over to the tables where the cakes stood, 'alright ofc i am going to save a piece of every cake because i ofc don't trust y'all. She did what she said, took a piece of every cake. Dovey on the other hand was surprised and not in a happy way. She knew lesso was a bit evil but she didn't expect lesso to handle her like that, maybe she just had a bad day but didn't want anyone to notice it..

Lesso went over to dovey and got her 10 different pieces of cake. 'Let's try them together and decide which is the loveliest.' She looked at the students and said 'go ahead take some cake!' Lesso took a piece of a cake and said. 'This is the eh strawberry flavored one' she got a piece on her fork and lets dovey taste it. 'I like this one but it's too.... Basic..'
Lesso took a chocolate piece, 'this one?'
Dover tastes it and nope this wasn't the one she was looking for.

Out of nowhere the students started to laugh, lesso looked what was going on, a never dropped a piece of cake and an ever slipped over the cake. Lesso started laughing like she had heard the best joke ever, and everyone looked at her with a confused look. She calmed herself down and started talking 'i knew this was going to happen' she pointed her cane at the two students and went on with her story 'sooo... what are we going to do about this MESS' 'the ever nervously started to clean things up and the never just stood their staring at lesso. 'NO.. we're not cleaning, you're getting punished' the ever started begging not to be tortured by lesso, 'NOT THE DOOM ROOM PLEASE NO-

Lesso rolled her eyes 'ugh shut up!' She grabbed a big piece of cake and threw it right in their face, she licked off her fingers and said 'this is amazing' she started laughing and everyone started to trow the cakes on each other. Someone had some nerve, right into lesso's face, a chocolate cake, she didn't saw anything and yelled 'WHO just threw CHOCOLATE cake at ME!? Next to her dovey started to laugh. 'Definitely not me' dovey said with a sarcastic tune.

Lesso whipped off the chocolate and went over to dovey, 'you're such a dumbass' she said laughing, she took dovey by her arm went over to the chocolate cake, she pushed her head in the cake, 'and who's laughing now, dovey' lesso said laughing.
Dovey chased lesso,

lesso ran away to their room and yelled 'BREAKFAST IS OVERR' she ran away trying to escape from dovey with a full hand of cake. Lesso locked herself in the bathroom, 'alright I'm save now' she got in the shower to clean herself, she was covered in chocolate cake, after she showered she wrapped a towel around her and opened the door, dover came in, ' I WAITED 10 MINUTES COVERED IN CHOCOLATE SHIT LESSO!!' She got in the shower and lesso laughed.

And this is how their day began.

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