The first lessons

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As i told you, the evers and nevers left and now lesso and dovey are still in the dinning hall

'That went well I suppose, right?' Dovey said. 'Yeah sure' lesso replied. 'Are you okay love?' 'To be honest clarissa.. everyone thinks i am that evil, but there's a difference between pure evil and just a bit evil'

'I know love, i know you well enough, the students just don't know you that well but eventually they will.' 'Thank you clarissa' lesso said. 'But what about us dovey?' 'Do we tell the students?' 'Because i dont want them to think evil and good can be together' 'that will become a disaster' dovey agreed to lesso ' you're right, if they'd be together this whole place will be a mess.' 'Let's not tell them, that's the best for all of us' 'we should go to bed' lesso said. 'We have to be fit enough for tomorrow to give our students their first lessons'.

Dovey and lesso walked over to their bedroom, but dovey tripped over a wire and twists her ankle. 'OUCH' she yelled. Lesso picked her up and said 'are you okay love?' 'Can you still walk??' Dovey tried to walk but almost tripped again, lesso catches her just on time. 'Got ya love' 'those heels don't really help do they?' Dovey laughed the pain away and lesso picked her up and walked to their room with dovey in her arms.

'Can i get you anything love?' 'Maybe a wet towel to cool ur ankle?' 'That would be lovely if u could get me that, maybe some water too?' Dovey said. 'Ofc my princess, I'll get you it right away' lesso said with a smile, lesso went downstairs to get her everything she needed. In the meanwhile dovey sat on the bed smiling on how lucky she was with her, 'i knew she wasn't evil, she just wants to be loved' Dovey whispered.

Lesso came back with water, a wet towel and some sweets. 'Here let me help you' lesso took of her dress and helped her get on her pajama. She also made sure she lays in bed well and nothing hurts her. Lesso tucks her in and gives her a kiss on her head. She genuinely moves close to dovey to not hurt her and says: 'goodnight love, hope you get better soon' 'goodnight leonora xx' dovey said with a calm voice. They both fell asleep and that's how the night ended.

It currently is 9 am in the morning and dovey slowly wakes up and moves her arms to give lesso a hug, to her surprise she isn't there. 'Lesso you're not a morning person, where are you?' 'Hold on a sec I'm almost finished' lesso yelles from outside the door. 'Finished with wh-' dovey tried to say, but then lesso came in with a plate of breakfast. 'I thought you would love breakfast on bed' 'I took care of the students they're eating now' 'wait, what time is it? Dovey said. 'It's around 9 am, why? 'I should've already be up, why didn't you wake me up lesso?' 'As i said, i took care of everything, just enjoy ur breakfast now love'

'Awh you've made this yourself?' ' Ehhh no... i did not- i asked one of our chefs' 'you know i am bad at making any type of food' lesso said laughing. 'i knew it! I knew it!!' 'Does it makes it less kind now?' Lesso said smiling. 'No of course not dear' 'how's ur ankle doing?' Dovey looked at her ankle and said 'it's not that bruised so I suppose it's fine' 'maybe it's a good idea if you won't walk on heels today' lesso suggested. 'A woman is nothing without her heels lesso' 'pff sure' lesso replied. 'U don't wear heels right now, and ur not *nothing*now, or however you say it.
'Lesso no i am wea-' NO, you're not clarissa'
'ugh fine'

dovey ate her breakfast and got dressed, a dress with sneekers. She finds it awful! Before she went to her first class to teach she went over to lesso, gave her a kiss on her cheek and said: 'ty for the breakfast and for taking care of me leonora' lesso smiled and said 'anytime for you princess'

Lesso went to her class to teach and when she walked in everyone was quiet. 'Good morning everyone' 'today i'd like to see what y'all can do with your magic already' she looked around and saw her victim, 'you there' she pointed him out with her cane . 'Y-es- the boy replied nervously. 'Show me what you can do' the boy looked at her and said ' I've not done magic before so how would i know what do do? 'Oh for god sakes!' Lesso said annoyed. Lesso threw a book at his head and to her surprise he controlled the book with his mind and it didn't hit him. 'See, u do have powers' the boy looked at full confusion.

All of the sudden an ever walked in, 'quick! Dovey fell and she can't walk!' The ever said. Lesso was in pure panic and dismissed the evers and nevers for the rest of the day. She ran over to the class of dovey and she saw dovey in pain laying on the ground. 'Dovey what have you done' 'let me see your ankle' 'NO' dovey tried to say. Lesso saw that she was wearing heels, 'what did i told you clarissa!' CLASS DISMISSED' She yelled at the students. Lesso was frustrated and started yelling 'EVERS GO AWAY!' 'Dovey what on earth where you thinking!' Dovey tried to calm lesso and said: 'it's just my ankle i am not dead leonora' 'i told you not to wear heels!' Dovey looked down and said 'I know lesso it's my fault'

'U can't walk can you?' Lesso asked. 'I don't think so..' lesso took a deep breath and said: 'alright here we go again' she took dovey in her arms and took off those stupid heels of her. She walked across the entire castle to finally get to their bedroom. 'I'm gonna get an icepack now i think, and some water again' 'I'm sorry lesso' dovey said. Dovey knew she shouldn't have worn the heels but she did, she wanted to look beautiful..

Lesso came back and she lifted dovey up and she puts her on the bed, 'lay down love' lesso gave her some water and she lays down the icepack on her ankle. 'Lesso I'm sorry really, i just wanted to look beautiful' lesso lost it, 'are u serious right now dovey!?' 'You should not have worn the heels! 'Now u probably can't walk a few days!' ' and what were you thinking, shoes don't make you more beautiful!' ''you are beautiful on your own, the dresses and shoes have nothing to do with that!' Dovey started tearing up 'are you mad at me or not cuz i have mixed emotions rn, maybe also bc of the pain but still'

Lesso got on the bed and hugged dovey, 'i am not mad, I'm just concerned about you that's all' 'I'm sorry for being mad at you, that's just something why i am chosen to be evil' 'I did not ment to be mad at you or the students i promise' dovey smiled and said it was okay, 'but what are we gonna do abt the lessons today??' Dovey asked. 'I dismissed them for the whole day so i can be here, with you' 'that wasn't necessary lesso...' ' Dovey I'll be here for you, and tomorrow we'll give them lessons if you're feeling better' 'I'll prepare lunch for you now and we'll eat'

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