Lesso's love for dovey

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As lesso and dovey were sleeping, lesso slowly woke up after a while, she opened her eyes and smiles as soon as she saw dovey sleeping next to her, she was the cutest. Lesso's love for dovey is indescribable. Lesso gave dovey a kiss on her head and thought abt some things, lesso is lesso, always chaotic with a lot of mood swings. She was thinking abt her and dovey, she didn't want it to be a secret anymore. She knew she basically just tortured a student but still... she couldn't get it out of her head. She wanted to be with dovey and that's final.

It was around 5 pm, which means they have to go to the dinning hall soon. Lesso didn't want to wake dovey up but she had to, she stroke against her face trying to wake her up a little, 'hun, wake up' 'almost time to go eat dinner' she whispered. Dovey slowly woke up, she rubbed in her eyes and looked at lesso
'Hey good afternoon love' she gave lesso a kiss and said, 'what did you say again?' 'I said we had to go to dinner soon' lesso said with a smile. Ohh alright let me get ready. 'Get ready? What you mean ur literally done' dovey rolled her eyes and said 'my make-up dear' ' you don't need that' lesso said annoyed. Alright let's go, I'm impatient.

She grabbed her by her arm, dragging dovey with her and then she suddenly stopped, dovey looked at her with confusion. Dovey i need to tell you something important. 'What's it love?' Lesso pulled her close and said, 'look dovey I really love you, for what that is worth.' 'And I don't want us to be a secret' dovey looked lesso in her eyes and knew she really ment it. 'I'd love to tell everyone lesso but how and when?' Lesso smiled and she was finally complete, no secrets not a feeling of not being worth it, she was really happy now. with dovey, her princess..

'What about dinner, we'll tell them then' Dovey thought that'd be a great idea. Lesso pulled dovey closer and they kissed. 'Alright my princess, off we go' Dovey laughed and walked with her. To clarify lesso was still in that dress. They walked hand in hand towards the dinning hall, they got to the table where the deans and the teachers sit. All the teachers were looking at them walking in TOGETHER- normally they walk separately, it was noticeable that they made eye contact sometimes, but no one thought they'd be together

Lesso walked over to a chair, 'here my princess' Dovey laughed and sat down. Lesso walked over to her chair on the other side of the long table, she ignored the glares she got. Dovey stood up and welcomed everyone to dinner 'welcome everyone, we have prepared a lovely dinner for y'all! Enjoy!' Lesso stood up and said 'actually i want to say something before we have dinner' everyone looked surprised to see lesso so calm and even in a dress, A DRESS- she didn't even bring her cane with her which she always brings.

'So there's something you all have to know'
'Me and lesso are together'
literally everyone gasped with disbelief. '
I know dating between evers and nevers is eh.. repulsive.. but.. I really really love dovey and she means the world to me'
'So this is an exemption' 'for you the rules are the same' and actually there's something more..
She walked over to dovey and kneeled down in front of her, she let a ring appear with her magic and asked her, 'clarissa dovey, my princess, do you want to marry me?

Dovey couldn't believe it- she stood up and hugged her and screamed 'YES OFC' 'i'd love to marry you leonora lesso of gavaldon' they kissed and everyone was so surprised. But they didn't really mind it, they knew there had been things going on between them.

Lesso had put the ring around her finger and smiled, smiled of happiness and love. 'Now everyone please enjoy your dinner' dovey said. They sat down and all the teachers where in shock, they asked sooooo manyyy things- 'when did this happen' 'how long has this been going on?' 'Good and EVIL?'. ' gonna have kids? At the last one Lesso immediately replied: 'kids are exhausting' and on the other hand dovey replied with 'oh i love kids! Those young beautiful spirits' typically a good and evil response, they thought the opposite of each other.

They talked for a bit and eventually dinner was over, and all the students left. The teachers talked for a bit and eventually they went back to their rooms to get some rest for themselves, dovey was twirling around expressing her happiness, she took a breath and said ' lesso how did you came up to marry me i swear to god i love you so much' dovey lifted her dress up and ran so cute over to lesso, ( if you've seen the movie i bet you know how sweet she runs) dovey gave lesso a hug and said, I'm literally gonna be your wife lesso, clarissa dovey lesso' But let's just keep it dovey, lesso said, dovey, my beautiful princess.

'Alright love let's go to our room this dress is annoying me' lesso lifted dovey up and brought her to their room, 'all in high heels this' lesso said laughing. They got to their room and they went to the bathroom, 'ima take a shower dovey, if u don't mind' she took off her dress and turned the shower on, she loved a warm shower. Dovey came in and asked if she needed anything, lesso said ' i need my future wife here' 'i am here lesso, what do u need love' lesso laughed and said 'no you, dummy get in the shower' they laughed and dovey came in the shower. 'LESSO that's way too hot!' 'Nah that's just because im in it' 'lesso shut upp' she said laughing, she turned down the heat and got the shampoo and washed her beautiful hair, 'your hair looks funny when it's wet lesso' lesso laughed and said ' i know, it has no volume'

They showered and they got in their pajama's, lesso in a black nightgown and dovey in a pajama with red heart's. They snuggled in bed and talked abt the future a bit, but that's for another part:) don't forget to follow me<3

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