All the things she said

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Idk if i will keep dovesso, too much has happened. I hope i didn't made you guys hate it😅 and oml this is a long chapter😭 please comment abt what you think of it, i adore feedback!

You walk into the school and you're amazed! Everyone gathers in the school hall, you see the 2 deans walk in, omg they actually look amazing, wait huh why are they looking that weird at eachother? You tap on a girls shoulder and you clear your voice, 'hey do you know what's going on??'
'Why are they looking so cold at eachother?' The girl whispered, 'shh not too loud, lesso has a temper, I'll explain real fast, okay?' You nod your head and listen to her.

'So they announced a few months ago the 2 deans wanted to get married, something changed when lilith arrived, she's a horrible teacher everyone hates her. There are rumors that lesso cheated with lilith, that is what i heard, but don't talk about it or you might end up in her doom room. Lesso has always been a bit mean but now... she is terrifying, there are students who literally can't face her anymore.'

You're shocked, 'thank you for this info' you look away seeing lesso stare at all of you. She began to speak. 'Hello students, I'm lady lesso. Dean of the school for evil' she points her cane at you guys and turns around. Dovey started speaking, 'hello students I'm professor dovey dean of the school for good..' she didn't sound happy, she said it with a cold tone. You felt bad for her, you wanted to hug her so badly! You knew one thing, you wanted them back together they both look so unhappy! You see them walk away and you go explore the school, you walked across some classes and peeked in, everything looks so magical. You went to the library and you see dovey sitting there, you walk over to her and you thought, should i say something? Will she allow me to? Screw it! You looked at her, 'hey, professor dovey right..?'

She looks at you, she quickly wipes her tears and her mascara is smudged. 'I'm sorry.. is this a bad timing' you ask. Dovey puts on a fake smile, you noticed..
'No, I'm okay, what do you want to ask me'
'Well.. i know abt lesso.. i wanted to comfort you'
'I know i just met you but I can't stand the sad look on your face' you sit next to her and give her a hug. Dovey didn't mind your hug, she actually needed it. She hugs you back and whispers 'ty little bird' she already started giving you a nickname, you knew you two were bounding already, you saw her as your second mother already.. you didn't want to go but you had to, 'hey dovey, sorry but i do need to get to class.. she let go of you 'ofc enjoy!' You walked out the library and went to class, it was abt something with your powers. Lesso gave that class, you sat down and watched her speak.

'You all have a sort of power, you'll find out what it is in this class' everyone looks exited but you on the other hand thought it was boring, no one in your family had this special power so you just gave up on that. You rolled your eyes when lesso was talking about it, she saw it and she stepped closer, she slammed her cane on your wooden table and spoke 'you, what have you got' you leaned back and casually said 'probably nothing' lesso looked mad, 'try something for gods sake!' You tried to do something but you already saw that wasn't working so you did something with your hands, you started acting, 'look what i can do with my hands lesso' you moved a bit with your hands and then pointed your middle finger ar her, 'wonderful isn't it' you smirked and laughed. Everyone laughed and you could see the madness on lesso's face, she twitches with her lips and quietly says 'you littleee...' she slammed her stick on your desk again, 'DOOM ROOM NOW! CLASS DISMISSED!' This was exactly what you wanted, you could get some information of the situation and a private talk. Deep inside you are scared as hell but it's okay, everything for dovesso!

You get dragged by your arm into the doom room, she pushes you into the chair and grabs you by your neck. 'Don't you dare to humiliate me like that ever again young lady!' You laugh, I did not mean it, i just want to talk in private. Lesso rolls her eyes, 'idiot you could've asked me that.' She let's go of you and she sits down next to you, she rubs her eyes and let's out a sigh. You tried to say this as nice as possible. 'Do you wanna talk abt it?' I know what happened' lesso looks at you and she starts to tell you everything about it.

'Since lilith came everything changed about us... i love dovey but i am too broken right now, i am mean to her to hide my feeling for her. Otherwise i just now I'll break down in front of her, im the fuckin dean of evil I can't cry like a pathetic baby!! I didn't cheat and she doesn't believe me..'

Ty for sharing this with me lesso, I'll support you and I'll try to get you guys back together it's okay, and it's okay to cry, you don't have to be evil all the time lesso, you're a human too, that's totally normal. Lesso broke down crying next to you. Then she said with a crying voice: 'I don't want dovey to think I'm a cheater, she's my life..'
' i know lesso, i know.'
You should talk to her lesso.'
You walked out and gave her a last look, you smiled and went to your room.

Lesso knew what she had to do, she went over to 'their' room which basically was dovey's now, she took a deep breath and knocked on the door. She heard dovey mumble 'shit' she prepared herself to face Dovey, she hears dovey coming closer to the door, lesso stares at the ground, dovey opened the door and her face changed. 'What are you doing here, are you going to get your stuff?' She looks at dovey. 'No clarissa I'm here for you' dovey rolled her eyes. lesso is nervous, she is biting on her nails because of the nerves. From a distance they both hear footsteps, it's lilith- lilith yells at lesso, 'babe there you are!' Lesso lost her temper, she runs to lilith pointing her cane at lilith. ' LILITH I'M GOING TO FUCKIN KILL YOUUU' she runs like a maniac, lilith actually gets scared and tries to run away, lesso is way faster and is only a meter away from her, lilith trips and she's on the ground. Lesso jumps on her and grabs her by her hair, 'YOU'VE GONE TOO FAR, I'LL MAKE YOU SUFFER'

lilith screams, she never was so scared in her life, she's pinned to the ground- she can't do anything! lesso is punching her in her face, she's going and going but then she broke down crying, tears rolled down her face 'YOU... you.. you took my wife away from me..' she doesn't has the power anymore and slowly stops punching her, lilith is crying and telling her to stop, lesso got of her and she puts her hands on her head and leans against the wall. Liltih's nose and mouth are bleeding and her face was bruised. Lilith tried to get up but she wasn't capable of doing that. She was laying there on the ground, she could barely breathe, her mouth was full of her own blood. 'I- lesso.. i.. a-m sor-ry' lesso walked over to her and took her hand, she lifted her up and turned around, lesso's hair was messy, her hands and suit covered in blood. To her surprise dovey stood there. She looks shocked, traumatized almost.

'lesso- what have you done'
Lesso looked at her, she wiped some blood of her lips.
'clarissa, what have i done!? Are you kidding me? LOOK WHAT SHE HAS DONE TO ME'
'I've told you a thousand times I didn't cheat on you, but you chose her side of the story, and not mine' tears are rolling down her face, she looks exhausted.. dovey walked over to her, she took her hands, come with me.. dovey dragged her to their room and sat lesso on the bed, she wipes off the blood on her hands and face, 'lesso why did you beat her up like that.. lesso stared at the floor, 'I don't know clarissa, I don't know..' dovey tries to calm her, 'it's okay, just allow me to..' she took a black gown that was under her pillow, 'i eh, it is yours but it'll smell like me cuz i had it when i still have the smell of you next to me, i know it's pathetic i just missed you..' dovey sees a light smile appear on lesso's face. Dovey took off her suit and got her in her night gown, dovey takes a pillow and lays it on the ground, she grabs a blanket and gets ready to sleep.

'Goodnight lo- lesso..'
'Goodnight clarissa'

Please i need feedback 😭👍🏻

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