Murder in my mind

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The next day lesso woke up, she rubbed in her eyes and opened them, dovey was still sleeping. You thought about what happened the day before, 'ugh fuck jesus' she looked at dovey and mumbled:
'I'm sorry, i just can't forgive you yet..'
Lesso walked out still in her night gown. She bumped into you on her way to her school. She looked messed up, 'what's wrong lesso!?' She looked at you, 'nothing nothing' she stormed off to her room. You looked confused, what happened now?? You decided to check up on dovey, you knocked on her door and she opened it, 'oh hey little bird'
'Hey dovey, why's lesso gone? Was she with you?'
Dovey looked at the ground, 'just come in for a moment' you walked in and saw her bed on the ground, 'did she, sleep here?' Dovey nods, 'yeah she did, idk where she went now' you sat down, 'I bumped into her a few minutes ago, she looked messed up, she said she was fine but she wasn't'
'She was still in her nigh gown messy hair, she just left and didn't even got ready' Dovey looks confused
'Well i have no idea, i took care of her yesterday when she had beaten op lilith.. i was asleep when she left.' Strange... 'are you okay dovey??' You gently asked. 'Ofc i am little bird, don't worry about me okay?' She gave you a big hug. 'Darling come to breakfast with me, come sit next to me there. A smile appears on your face, 'really?' Dovey places her hand on you cheek, 'really, now shall we??'

You walked to breakfast with her, lesso wasn't there yet, which obviously is logical since she wasn't ready at all.. you sat down next to dovey and waited till the rest of the students and tudors arrived. Lesso walked in, she was presentable now, she was in her suit and she looked beautiful, you gave her a light smile and looked away. Lesso sat down and everyone started to enjoy their breakfast. Lesso looked at you, you could almost hear her thoughts, something like. 'What are you doing' it was a long longg breakfast today, everyone ate in silence it was absolutely boring. The only people talking were dovey and you. 'So dovey, any plans today?' She looked at you, 'ow not really.. just staying in my room since I don't teach anymore' you took her hand, 'clarissa why don't you teach anymore? Since when?' She looks disappointed about herself, 'because.. lesso.' 'I just need a break from everything' you noticed you kinda ruined mood, 'hey, hey, it's okay I understand' you calmed her. Breakfast was over and you went to the library, hmm which book shall i read? You took a book from the highest shell, you stood on a not very steady box. You reached your arm to the book but. SHIT ! You fell down and almost hit the ground but someone catches you. You hear a voice mumble 'ugh, imbecile' oh it's lesso- 'hey, thanks!' Lesso rolled her eyes, 'just leave it' you notice she's irritated..

'Still thanks.' Lesso dropped you, you still fell on the ground after all, wtf- you look at lesso, 'was that still necessary?' Lesso looks down at you, ' gratitude is for losers.' You get up and pointed out your middle finger again, you both laughed. 'Not again y/n' she raised her eyebrow, 'want me to torture you again?' You laugh, 'no ty I'll pass' 'y/n next time it won't he a question' 'now get out of here little brat!' 'Nah wait my bookkk' lesso handed you the book you wanted and you walked out, you gave her a smile when you walked out. You headed to dovey's room, you knocked on the door and she opened. 'Hey little bird of me' she made a hand gesture for you to come in. 'Do you want something to drink darling?' 'No I'm fine' you replied nicely. You hand dovey a letter which you had with you, 'here, be on time' you've thought of something, a plan.

You had prepared a picnic for lesso and dovey, without them knowing where they went and with who. They just had to go to the exact place and time that I've wrote on the letter and we're good to go. Let's hope everything goes to plan!

Dovey looks at the letter, 'what's this y/n?'
'You'll see, just be there' you walked out and went to lesso's room, she opened the door and immediately sighs and rolls her eyes. 'What. Do. You. Want.' She said word for word. 'You rolled you eyes at her and you throw the letter at her, 'just be there on time' you walked out and went to your room. Now let's prepare me to be a spy, if something goes wrong I'm here.

A few hours pass

You look at the clock, 'shit only 15 min left i should head to the picnic.' You grab a basket with everything in it and walk to a lovely place, green beautiful glass, surrounded by butterflies and the sun shines beautifully. You set everything up and go hide behind a tree. You see lesso arrive already, she came on her beautiful black horse, dovey came with her white horse her name was sunshine, lesso's horse was named 'deathly' lesso got off her horse and walked over to the red and white blanket that was layed on the ground. 'What's this for heavens sake..' she sat down and watched dovey arrive. She looked confused. Lesso shouts at dovey, 'was this your idea?' Dovey walks over to her. 'Nope wasn't me' lesso twitches her lips, 'that god dahm kidd' 'i could strangle y/n right now' lesso took a deep breath. 'So, sit I insist' she sits down and lesso awkwardly sits there.. she opens the basket and she takes out the food and places it on the picnic blanket. 'So.. do you eh want to say anything?' Dovey asked. Lesso stares at the ground. 'What's there to tell you' dovey looks mad, 'maybe about leaving me that morning!?' Lesso couldn't do this. 'This isn't always about you missy, you only care about YOURSELF. what do you think, that i forgive you that easily?' Dovey feels attacked, 'WELL I'M NOT THE ONE WHO LITERALLY HAS NO HEART AND BEATS UP SOMEONE' lesso slaps her in her face, 'i know and i feel guilty about it but i did it for YOU clarissa, YOU' lesso was pissed of, she didn't care about her, no one did. 'Just go the fuck away dovey!' Dovey stood up and left. Lesso broke down and she leaned back laying on the blanket, she looks at the sky.
'When will I finally be happy, dovey was a mistake'

You sit there in shock- fuck fuck fuck this wasn't supposed to happenn! Lesso slapped dovey- you couldn't hear it that well but dovey totally went bunkers on lesso, you kinda felt bad abt it.

You ran over to lesso, 'hey are you okay!?' lesso hears your voice and immediately changes. 'Go away y/n. You grab her arm, 'please lesso i'm sorry.' Lesso shoves your hand of her arm, 'don't toch me' you decided to back off a bit, you lay down next to her. I'm sorry about dovey, you deserved someone better. Lesso smiles, 'yeah right.' 'No i don't' you take her face in your hands and turn her head to look at you, your heart starts beating faster. 'Yes leonora, you do.' You didn't know what was happening, you quickly let go of her and your mind was all confused

Shit- was that weird? Yes it was.. did I really just did that- I'm an idiot- do i have feeling- no stop you want dovesso back. Stop these stupid thoughts!

This was it:) i think too much had happened between them, if u don't like this then it's okay if you don't want to read anymore, this makes it just more fun and exiting to write in my opinion:) leave a comment if u want xx

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