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 Chapter 41 Normal Soil 1

  Tao Yaoyao responded, "Yes, yes!" To   be

  honest, now that Tao Yaoyao has so many space warriors around her, she suddenly feels that she doesn't have to be afraid of anything.

She also secretly learned about the Expeditionary Army in the past two days. Anyway, according to the information given by the mastermind, this Expeditionary Army is the most trustworthy organization in the entire interstellar, second to none.

  And she also saw some people praising the commander of the expeditionary force, but until now, she hadn't seen any pictures of the commander.

  Tao Yaoyao didn't know that the mastermind had deliberately deleted all photos of the commander in all the files she saw.

  As for why he didn't show it to Tao Yaoyao, he was mainly afraid that Tao Yaoyao would become aesthetically fatigued after watching too much. This first meeting had better be the first meeting in the real world. Let girls fall in love at first sight.

  The mastermind was afraid that the little ancestor would like God Fei Ye, so he really worked so hard that he even thought of this method.

  So, now Tao Yaoyao feels very safe, and she trusts Adjutant Dongyang when she hands over the matter Speaking of which, she is a wood-type supernatural being, and she has a good sense of affinity.

  Adjutant Dongyang made arrangements here, while Tao Yaoyao stayed in the basement directly. Regarding the landing of the warship, it can only be left to the military. She doesn't want to expose the existence of the demon vine now, after all, she There are enough things exposed.

  Tao Yaoyao paved nearly half a meter of soil in the basement, thanks to the fact that her space has been upgraded twice, otherwise, she might not be able to make up enough soil.

  After laying the soil, she came up directly, and Adjust Dongyang happened to be in touch with Luo Hao, the treasurer.

  "Girl Yaoyao, wood-type supernatural users will be here soon!" Adjutant Dongyang was very excited. He had agreed with Luo Hao that all the elites of wood-type superhumans would be sent this time. The elite has been trained, as for others, it will be another story.

  "Okay, Adjutant Dongyang, I've already put the soil in the basement. When the wood-type supernatural beings come, I will take them to raise seedlings below."

  "Okay!" Adjutant Dongyang clenched his fists excitedly.

  "I'm going to another warship now. By the way, this warship is best to land at 1.5 meters."

  "This is simple!" Adjutant Dongyang smiled, and then walked directly to the cockpit. do this right away arrive.

  Isn't it just 1.5 meters off the ground?Even if they all fall into the underground world, there is no problem. Soon,   Tao

  Yaoyao saw the high technology, and excavation started under the warship. In less than five minutes, the warship sat down to 1.5 meters underground.

. Her ship didn't have a pilot's cab. If there was a pilot's cab, could it also have this function?

  "Let's go, let's go to another warship." Adjutant Dongyang knew that Tao Yaoyao would definitely dig soil in the basement of Another warship, so he immediately took her there.

  Adjutant Dongyang went directly to get the location of the warship, while Tao Yaoyao quickly got the land out and leveled it.

  To Tao Yaoyao's surprise, even when the warship was falling, it was very balanced. She didn't feel anything in the basement.

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