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 Chapter 331 The Birthday Banquet It's

  the second princess. Since then, there has been no news about her, and no one knows who took her away.

  Without the trouble of the second princess, after the second prince succeeded in inheriting the throne, he put the whole country's focus on the Zerg side, because he knew that the environment of the Zerg side was really good.

  Since the Zergs have always wanted to devour their humans, they have to take the initiative to counterattack. Zergs, see if they have a chance to transform into changings to bully them in the future?

  Tao Yaoyao also lived comfortably during this period, but since Di Feiye had that time to sleep with him, he was unwilling to sleep alone. He was tired of being by Tao Yaoyao's side every day, and had to sleep next to Tao Yaoyao at night . Yaoyao is by my side.

  Tao Yaoyao didn't reject Di Feiye, after all, the two of them had already determined that they would be each other's other half in the future.

  To be honest, since they slept together, Tao Yaoyao didn't care, but as the supreme commander, Di Feiye no longer had that cold and superior feeling before. He had to take a cold shower twice every night, but even if it was In this way, he is not willing to leave Tao Yaoyao's room either. He has already decided that when Tao Yaoyao becomes an adult, he will immediately apply for a marriage certificate and let the little girl become his own directly

  . For more than a year, Tao Yaoyao's 18th birthday is approaching, and she has now obtained a diploma from the planting college. In fact, until now, Tao Yaoyao has no diploma , it doesn't matter anymore.

  Tao Yaoyao is now the entire Baiyan Empire, no, it should be the most powerful planting master in the entire interstellar, and now the entire interstellar is seeing the changes in the entire interstellar.

  Although it has only been more than a year, there are Already a few pieces of purified land on Lie Yanxing's side, and these lands have been planted with the food that King Baiyan is thinking about.

  To be honest, not only King Baiyan was excited, but the entire Baiyan Empire was also excited.

  You know, in the past year or so, only people from the Baiyan Empire remained in the entire Lieyan Star, and all people of other nationalities were expelled from Lieyan Star.

  To be honest, during this year, the entire Baiyan Empire was scolded by Interstellar, but King Baiyan didn't listen or listen. For him, there was nothing more important than food.

  The more than a year was really not in vain, they did it.   The second wife of the emperor, Feng Yuyan, looked at her son worriedly in the video, "Son, what about your official spouse? Has it been resolved?"   Di Feiye smiled, "Mom, my official spouse is Yaoyao. "The

  Tao Yaoyao's birthday is coming soon, and Di Feiye is quietly preparing for it. He has discussed with the people at Green Star, and they plan to hold a grand birthday party for Tao Yaoyao at Green Star, and they I also want to take the opportunity to put the whole picture of the green star on the star network, which can be regarded as an advertisement for the green star.

  Di Feiye had been waiting for this day for too long. He wanted so much to marry his youngest daughter-in -law home. Di Feiye also contacted his parents and told them about his plan to marry a wife.

  To be honest, Di Yufeng and the second wife of the emperor are naturally very satisfied with Tao Yaoyao, but what they are worried about is their son's official spouse.

  Second Madam Di was stunned, "Isn't it a newborn child?"

  "No, Yaoyao didn't have an optical brain at first, but she happened to have her first optical brain that day." Di Feiye said with a smile.

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