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Chapter 611 Demons Run Away 8

  As soon as Yu Fengjiao said these words, she saw Tao Yaoyao stretch out a hand, and then she felt that her whole body was enveloped by this hand, just like Sun? Kong Kong couldn't escape the palm of the Tathagata Buddha, that palm was far away from her, but she felt the pressure of this palm was on her body, and even felt that if this hand exerted force, she would be photographed directly. Bolognese.

  Yu Fengjiao was so suppressed by this pressure that she couldn't breathe at all, but she would not give in. If she was prettier than this woman, I don't believe that man would look down on her.

  Yu Fengjiao wanted to call for help and escape, but she couldn't speak, and she couldn't move her body. She felt that her soul was being pushed out, and she was being pressed and rubbed on the ground.

  Seeing that the punishment was enough, Tao Yaoyao immediately withdraw her hand, and Yu Fengjiao shrank her neck. This feeling was so terrifying that her brain almost stopped any activity, but she would not admit defeat, as long as this If a man likes her, he will definitely protect her, so her goal has never been this woman, but this man.

  Sister-in-law Yu saw that her daughter seemed to have been cleaned up, but she didn't say a word. This daughter just didn't get cleaned up, and she was spoiled by her mother-in-law. was afraid of herself now, she didn't know how to scold herself behind her back. .

  Speaking of her mother-in-law, there is nothing to say about being good to the children, but for her daughter-in-law, she is really picky, and everything is not pleasing to the eye.

  In fact, Yu Fengjiao was still dissatisfied, but now she was anxious to go abroad for plastic surgery, so she was a little anxious to leave.

  Sister-in-law Yu apologized to Di Feiye and Tao Yaoyao again, and they both waved their hands at the same time, and Tao Yaoyao said, "Ling Qianjin will not give up easily, if there is another time, what kind of punishment will she receive?" , I can't guarantee it." When

  Yu Fengjiao heard this, she immediately retorted, "Now is a society ruled by law, do you dare to kill me?"

  Tao Yaoyao smiled, "Now demons and ghosts are rampant, what do you think?" Ordinary people don't know much, but it is impossible for the people above to know.

  Tao Yaoyao looked at Yu Fengjiao coldly, and Yu Fengjiao suddenly had a feeling that if there was another time, this woman might really beat her into a flesh, but for that man, she was fearless !

  I have to say that Fengjiao is a standard love brain, and she really doesn't care about anything for the sake of love.

  At this time, the third child directly grabbed Yu Fengjiao and stopped her from talking, "I'm sorry for causing trouble to you, we will take her away immediately." Sister

  -in-law Yu also said goodbye to Tao Yaoyao and the others, and then took her away.Seeing Yu Fengjiao leave in a hurry.

  Although Yu Fengjiao was a little unconvinced, but she really had no choice but to be detained.

  What Yu Fengjiao didn't expect was that she was escorted directly to the airport, and the servants at home prepared her passport, clothes, etc., just like that, she was packed directly on the plane, and then flew abroad .

  Yu Fengjiao is in a hurry, she wants to go to country H, not country M? Why? Why send her to country M? Why not discuss it with her, she is not willing to go abroad?

  However, what Yu Fengjiao thinks here, her family doesn't know at all. Yu's sister-in-law has already gone home and directly explained to her mother-in-law. She told her mother-in-law that she arranged a school for her child. It's strange, but my granddaughter has already boarded the plane, so she can't get in touch even if she tries to.

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