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  Chapter 111 Sad Mofei 1

  "I have a marrow washing pill here, do you want to use it?" Tao Yaoyao asked in a low voice. To be honest, she didn't dare to think that being such a handsome man as Di Feiye What does it feel like when you are covered in stinky mud?

  But, interstellar people have been taking nutrient solution. There should not be many impurities on their body, but it is a problem of genetic collapse. Maybe they will feel dozens of times more painful than ordinary people after taking it!

  Thinking of this, Tao Yaoyao felt a little pain for Adjutant Dongyang and the others.

  "The one you gave to Dongyang?" Di Feiye was actually a little jealous of Adjutant Dongyang's, jealous that he could stay by her side, and because he himself had to guard the battlefield, he couldn't stay with her for a long time Be around.

  "Well, but they probably haven't taken it yet." Tao Yaoyao felt a little too quiet now, if they took it, they would definitely not be so quiet.

  Even if ships or warships have sound insulation, the The effect is definitely not that good. After all, the pain is enough to make the supernatural beings unable to control themselves.

  "It hurts?" Di Feiye understood what Tao Yaoyao meant.

  "It's not just as simple as pain, you also have the problem of genetic collapse." Tao Yaoyao reminded him, "Do you want it? I can send it to you through the main brain now." Such a small thing, sent through the main brain, Does not consume much energy.

  "Yes!" Di Feiye didn't want to let go of the opportunity to advance. The little girl is so strong, he can't be weaker than her. petite and exquisite, he really can't underestimate her, and he wants to No matter what, stand in front of her.

  Soon, Di Feiye received a small pill sent by the main brain, and he looked at Tao Yaoyao, "Should I take it here?"

  Tao Yaoyao looked at Di Feiye. He was wearing a white shirt without a single wrinkle. Looking at his background, this guy's dormitory was clean, so to speak. She said, "If you can If so, go to the bathroom and take it , although your body may not have many impurities, but if you excrete too much, it will be troublesome."

  "Okay, listen to you!" Di Feiye looked at Tao Yaoyao's gaze was very gentle and doting, seeing this gaze made Tao Yaoyao feel a little flustered, she said hastily, "I have to go to bed!"

  "Okay, goodbye!" Di Feiye looked at her She looked flustered, but her heart was a little sweet, did this little girl get better?

  After Tao Yaoyao hung up the phone, she felt her heart was still beating a little faster. Why did she feel like being teased by that guy Di Feiye?

  After Di Feiye hung up the phone, he went straight to the bathroom. little girl's words, and after taking the elixir, he sat down cross-legged.

  Di Feiye meditated and digested the marrow washing pill quietly. At the beginning, he didn't feel anything, but afterward, he felt his whole body hurt like a needle.

  It really hurts so much, no wonder the little girl said that she didn't hear anything over there. Di Feiye clenched his teeth, he had to persevere, it would be of great benefit to him to persevere in the past.

  Xisui Pill, I hope it can be as powerful as in the legend.

  Tao Yaoyao reminded Adjutant Dongyang that the process may be painful, but it is best not to disturb others.

  Adjutant Dongyang immediately made arrangements, and fortunately everyone was waiting for instructions to take it. Adjutant Dongyang directly arranged for people this side, guard no matter how much they screamed, they must not be impulsive.

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