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 Chapter 651 Demons Run Away 47

  Tao Yaoyao couldn't possibly force the children to stay, so she took the six little ones and bid farewell to the management here, although the management didn't want them to leave, but he could tell, the children Kind of tired.

  "I'm sorry, the children really don't want to stay here, let's talk about it next time!" Tao Yaoyao said very bluntly, and she didn't bother to hide anything. After all, her children are still young, and they have the right to be willful.

  And no one can force them, and Tao Yaoyao will not allow anyone to force them.

  Tao Yaoyao took the children back to the villa, Xu Duoduo and the others were shocked when they saw that the six little ones had grown up a lot.

  "How did you grow so fast?" Xu Nana picked up Wubao directly, and then lifted her up, "It's also heavy!"

  Wubao was depressed, "Auntie, I'm not fat."

  Tao Yaoyao laughed, "She and Liubao have really strictly controlled their weight, which is a pity. Although they exercise a lot, they also eat a lot during this time." So the weight must be heavy, but the two little ones The guy is with girls every day, so now he knows how to appreciate beauty, and he knows that girls' weight is a secret that cannot be told.

  Wu Bao looked at his mother aggrievedly, "Mom, can you stop talking about her?"

  Obviously she is the same as Liu Bao and even eats almost exactly the same, but why is Liu Bao looking thinner?

  Obviously the two of them have the same weight, but Liu Bao looks a little thinner.

  Tao Yaoyao directly pinched Wu Bao's small face, "Wu Bao's face is easy to pinch!"

  Xu Nana couldn't help laughing, "Sister, stop teasing her, Wu Bao is about to cry, Wu Bao be good , Wubao is not fat at all, my aunt doesn't think Wubao is fat, Wubao is light!"

  It's too obvious that it's just a lie, but Wubao just loves to hear it.

  In fact, not only Wubao, but also other girls like to listen to it.

  Liubao hid aside and smiled quietly. Can she say that she has to practice more every day? My mother knew about this, but since my sister didn't 't know, there was no need to tell her.

  After all, my mother told her that she hoped that all brothers and sisters would grow up freely, so there is no need to get involved. If they are all sisters who get involved with each other, it will affect the sisterhood between them too much .

  Well, what mother said was right, the sisters couldn't roll, Liubao just wanted to work hard quietly, and then amaze everyone.

  Tao Yaoyao took a look at Liu Bao at this moment, this little guy was always clever, but he worked too hard, which made her feel a little helpless.

  The little guy has obviously performed very well, but why does he always feel that he is not good enough?

  This little girl seems to be a bit lacking in self-confidence, but speaking of it, if it is purely in terms of cultivation, Liubao's cultivation speed is indeed not as fast as the other five little guys, but Liubao also has her own specialties , for example, she has a good understanding of spirits. The induction of plant attributes is better, and it is much more sensitive to alchemy than five treasures.

  Tao Yaoyao didn't want to say anything more, lest she had too many thoughts about Liu Bao, she would work hard if she wanted to.

  If she didn't want to work hard, at worst she prepared some more protective equipment for Liubao, anyway, these things were not what their family lacked most

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