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Chapter 231 Transformation Master 9

  "This is true!" Noah did not deny that on the battlefield, the Zerg prefer to eat wood-type abilities. The existence of the origin is definitely very popular among the Zerg.

  Hmm...it tastes delicious !

  "Okay, then Ancestor, let's go rest! I made a mistake in thinking earlier, let's talk about it after this matter is settled!" Noah is very clear that if this matter is not handled properly, the ancestor will be bored with this era , If the little ancestor wants to leave here, he thinks that the little ancestor has plenty of ways to leave StarCraft.

  In order to keep the little ancestor, so he has to follow the little ancestor. Of course, he will remind Di Feiye in Due course to plan against the existence of the little ancestor. He must nip some things in the bud. Only in this way can he be retained The heart of the little ancestor.

  Noah felt that it was too difficult for him, so he went directly to Di Feiye, but Di Feiye was fighting the Zerg at the moment, and he had already taken the expeditionary force to occupy the second Zerg planet, and he had already started on the planet. Set up some fortifications now.

  After all, they occupied the Zerg planets. same mastermind, it would be very difficult for the Baiyan Empire to monopolize the Zerg planets. In order to avoid letting those two countries eat for free, Di Feiye planned to pull them all together.

  Of course, if they refused, if they wanted to come again in the future, Di Feiye would have a reason to refuse them.

  Noah came here under such circumstances. After hearing what Noah meant, Di Feiye gave him a blank look, "Don 't say that the little girl disagrees, and I don't agree either. Now the little girl is in danger. It's okay if I can't help, but for Lan Xia and Linfeng, I'm sorry, I can't ask the little girl to help."

  Di Feiye was amused when he heard it, "Don't worry, they didn't Such a great ability."

  Noah was also helpless, but now there was news from Lan Xia and Linfeng who Di Feiye contacted, and the expeditionary forces of the two empires agreed to send troops over.

  However, the expeditionary forces of these two countries came here behind their backs, because the emperors of the two countries did not allow this to happen.

  After all, the countries have really not taken care of the military expenses of the expeditionary forces. A lot of military expenses are earned by their own conquests.

  They also knew that the commander personally calling them this time definitely gave them a very favorable opportunity. If they failed to grasp it, they would definitely be turned away in the future.

  Therefore, the expeditionary forces of the two countries sent troops quietly, but Di Feiye also welcomed it as it was.

  And when the two expeditionary forces teleported to Fair Star through the wormhole, and then sent from Fair Star to the Zerg side, they were all dazzled by the green planet fans on the Zerg side.

  The space fighters of these two empires are almost crying, why is the environment of any Zerg better than theirs?

  They are very grateful to Di Feiye, especially after knowing that the commander and the others have captured two planets, their two teams directly attacked the nearest Zerg without stopping, and then captured the Zerg they left behind. The first foundation, although the two empires divided the planet equally, they didn't mind. After all, they will definitely fight separately next time, and whoever takes it will be whose planet.

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