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 Chapter 411 Untitled

  Tao Yaoyao looked at the list of those who stayed in the city to work. They were several interstellar warriors.

  Tao Yaoyao spoke directly to Di Feiye, and in the evening, Di Feiye went to hold a meeting for the interstellar warriors.

  Tao Yaoyao took the six little ones to play with her grandparents.

  Although Di Yufeng and Qin Moli knew that the six little guys had already reached level 15, they were still a little suspicious before, but now that they saw it with their own eyes, the couple was quite hit.

  In particular, they found that the physical skills of the six little guys are also very powerful, and their combat effectiveness is also quite strong.

  Di Yufeng could only sigh deeply, what else can he say, keep working hard, they used to be inferior to their sons, now they are inferior to their grandsons, if they don't work hard, they will be inferior to their great- grandsons in the future, then It's too embarrassing.

  Di Yufeng and Qin Moli didn't play with the little ones for too long, so they continued to work hard.

  Di Feilin also came to play with the little guys, but she only played for a while. When she heard that her nephew was on the same level as her, she didn't even say a word, and left directly. She had to work hard. She felt that She is so embarrassing now.

  Xu Duoduo and Xu Nana are at the eighteenth level. When they heard the little guys' levels, they immediately went to practice without saying anything. Next time they will catch up with them.   As

  aunts, they must not embarrass their two nephews.

the contrary, Tao Xingxing worked hard and had already been promoted to the eleventh level. Everyone else worked hard, but he just failed.

  Originally, he thought that Green Star would wait for the children of his sister's family to inherit, but now it seems that it is impossible, so he should wait slowly, and there is still a long time to control him.

  Tao Yaoyao also tried to take out the spiritual power ball to let Tao Xingxing try to absorb it, but unfortunately, he couldn't absorb it at all, unless he was a person with spiritual powers, otherwise he couldn't absorb the spiritual power ball .

  Tao Xingxing is almost screaming that it is unreasonable. The six little guys have good abilities, so it goes without saying, and there is even a mental power ball to assist them in their cultivation. It is really unlucky, but they have theirs own sister and brother-in-law This pair of parents has had bad luck since they were born.

  Tao Xingxing really couldn't bear to reincarnate himself again, but he knew he didn't have this chance.

  If you reincarnate again, maybe you won't even be able to touch your sister.

  At least this time his luck is good, he still has a sister, speaking of it, he also thought about taking revenge on that scumbag father, but then he thought, if he hadn't abandoned him, he wouldn't have had the Chance to meet his sister .

  So as far as this matter is concerned, he is still very grateful to him.

  Speaking of which, that scumbag father already knew his identity, but he is no longer an existence that a scumbag father can climb up to . Even if he uses family ties to restrain him, it is impossible, because everyone knows that he Tao Xing Xing was thrown to Trash Star by his biological father. You must know that Trash Star existed at that time. His good luck, it would probably have become a pile of rubbish in the trash dump by now.

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