Second Chances

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The water at my ankles is gentle and slow as the small waves roll past them. The moonlight is covered by a cloud right now but still very bright. Behind me is the loud crackling of a large fire on the beach.

"Holly! Get your butt over here!"

It has been a few weeks since my second to last semester ended. To celebrate, we decided to have a bomb fire on the beach and invite a bunch of people from town.

Large gatherings are fun, but I prefer my small group of friends.

I feel a hard snack to my butt, and I yelp in surprise.

"Got you bitch!"

"Fuck, Ira. You scared me."

"You are supposed to be 3 beers in like me. Get drinking." She shoves a bud lite in my hands and sashays her stupid ass back to the campfire. "If you don't get as drunk as me, then you won't be able to keep up with me tonight."

"I can chase you better sober, dumbass!" I yell and join her at the fire.

Around 50 people came, a lot more than I was thinking. Michael and Megan are here and so are several people from our high school that I recognize.

I throw my head back and work on downing some of the beer so I can catch up with Ira. I know, so mature of me. Let me enjoy myself.

"That's the way to go!" I hear Megan yell. She is leaning against some guy and Michael is nowhere to be seen.

I feel the alcohol take effect after a while and somehow start dancing with Ira by the fire. I haven't partied this hard in over a year and it feels really good.

The fire begins to look way too pretty for my own good and I go to take a step away. Ira, it seems, had a completely different plan.

The stupid blonde begins swaying towards the flames and I have to grab her arm and yank her back.


She stumbles and falls on me, taking us both to the ground. At first, I am annoyed. That is until I see her face buried in the sand. I can't stop myself from laughing.

"You guys should slow down", a man says.

"It is a Friday night!" Ira rolls onto her back and throws her arms up to the sky. "We can do whatever we want."

"You look stupid." I tell her before falling back on my butt and failing to stand.

I feel someone stand behind me and I wave my hand at them. "Go away Michael. I don't need help."

"I think you do."

I feel two strong arms pick me up by my forearms and a very bad chill goes down my spine. It is a predatory feeling mixed with repulsion.

I feel a bit queasy until the stranger lets me go. He moves to help Ira up and I watch his smile fall from his face after touching her.

"Why, thank you stranger", she says before going back to the table for another drink.

I am about to follow her when I feel the guy grab my arm and stop me.

I glare at him but stop when I meet his eyes. They are a sick sea green. His dirty blonde hair is long and stops at his shoulders.

"My name is Killian." He gives me what must be his award-winning smile.

All I feel is nausea.

"You should be careful. Don't want to find yourself in the water if you get too drunk." He gestures with his head to the ocean.

I glare down at his hold on my arm, but he doesn't seem to care.

"I think you need someone to take care of you, honey. Let me help you slow down."

"Is this your sad way of flirting?"

Even my bluntness surprises me. His smile falters a little, but it only tells me that he is sad I won't make this easy.

"As a matter of fact, yes. I think you are the prettiest girl here. I've seen you around town and I know you like to surf. I can show you a few moves if you would like."

He flashes a grin, and his teeth seem just a little too sharp.

"You just met me!" I stagger a bit, trying to pull my arm away from him. "You are not from my high school. Do you go to Ira's college?"

"No, I am new to town."

I feel his grip on my arm tighten and he leans in closer. I don't know if he is trying to come off romantic but all I feel is concern.

"Can you show me around right now? There are not too many people out tonight so it would be a nice stroll."

"Asshole, I'm 4 beers in and you know that. I'm not stupid."

His smile changes to a thin line and he lets go of my arm. "Let's meet when you are sober then. Maybe you will be a bit nicer."

I quickly walk away and start searching for Ira. I find her asleep in the sand with Megan over her. Dumbass is going to have a terrible hangover in the morning.

I wander around the campfire and between the people for a bit, trying to sober up. The mixing of people and the heat from the fire is not helping so I start to walk away from the crowd of people a bit. The guy Killian still has me on edge, so I don't go too far, and I watch carefully to make sure I am not being followed.

After a while, the cold breeze starts to help my head clear, and I can manage to walk straight. The darkness and the cold is relaxing and I keep walking down the beach a bit.

I might just go home now. My head is starting to hurt.

I stop in my tracks when I see the figure halfway in the water. I hold my breath as I stare at the mystery man who has been haunting my dreams.


His head turns slightly in my direction, but I still can't see anything.

Second chances.

He begins to walk further into the water, and I feel the urgency force my legs to move.


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