The Stranger

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Another storm is rolling through the area, and I am stuck inside to study. It rumbles and shakes the house and the lights flicker.

I sigh and look back down at my textbook. "Reproductive behavior in marine mammals includes polygyny and promiscuity and pinnipeds species that breed on land and compete for..."

The lights flicker again, and I put my hands down on my book, unable to focus. My eyes travel around my room and land on the shelf above my desk. In a row are the trophies I have won in the last 10 years. Most of the trophies feature a mini surfboard. Next to the largest trophy is an image of 14-year-old me smiling with a metal around my neck and my dad behind me smiling.

He was so proud of his little girl that day. I came in first place. My dad's wide grin makes him look so happy. I wish that was my last memory of him. I wish he was happy in his last few moments.

Instead, his eyes were full of fear as they looked over me to see if I was alright.

I wasn't.

I had a massive head injury which ruined my surfing career forever. He wasn't worried about all the blood he was losing. He should have been worried about himself. He was the one whose stomach...

I stood up abruptly and my chair's legs screamed against the floor. The rain has cleared up, I'll be fine.

I quickly throw on my wetsuit and grab my surfboard. Mom is at work and Abuela is applying for a job at the grocery store. I'll be back before they come home.

The wind is shocking as it batters my body. I remain steadfast and run to the beach. The waves are huge and too aggressive for surfing, but I don't care.

He was proud of me. He wouldn't be proud now.

I throw the board onto the water and climb on. The waves try to slow me down, but I keep going. After a few tries, I manage to get beyond the crashing point and into deeper waters.

Sitting back on the board, the icy black waves hurtle towards me. The board moves with me like it is an extension of myself. The wave reaches a high point and I race to catch it.

For just a few moments while I am on my stomach, I feel alive. The memories of my dad are washed away. My tears have already been mixed with the salty sea and now they have stopped falling.

I bring my knees onto the board as it slices through the wave. In a quick motion, I place my feet on the board and straighten my knees.

The wind pushes back my messy hair and I catch my breath as I stand for longer than I ever have. I feel free. If dad was here, he would be so happy. I wish Ira was here to see. I can't wait to tell Abuela.

The black wave shifts and instead of staying with it like I should have, my legs fail me, and I disappear into the wave.

It hits me harder than ever, and fear clenches my heart. The wave punches me in the stomach, and I can feel the air leave my body.

I swim towards the surface with all my strength. I only get a second to gasp for air before another wave shoves me to the ground.

This one slams my back into the sharp shells on the ocean floor. The pain is sudden, and I involuntarily gasp for air. I am helpless as the saltwater fills my lungs.

Another wave drags me along the ocean floor and my vision blurs.

Not like this. Please, no!

Just as my vision begins to fail me, I feel electricity shoot through my body. Something rough and sharp touches me. Scales and sharp fins brush against my legs and a pair of strong hands rest on my back. My chest is pushed flush against a strong, scaly one.

The touch is chilling and threatening while also being exciting. It is like the thrill of cliff jumping. The excitement of trying something dangerous for the love of the thrill. There is something deeper mixed in. A deep longing and desire for something or someone.

The next thing I know, I am being dropped on the beach and my body wretches to get as much water out of my lungs as possible.

"Stay out of the water."

It takes me a moment to register the voice as I hack the water out of my lungs.

The voice is deep and gruff. It sends chills down my spine and I immediately long to hear it again.

My vision comes back into focus, and I can see a pair of feet heading back into the ocean.

"Wait!" I cough out. "Where are you going?"

A loud thud comes from besides me and I look to my left to see my green surfboard stuck in the sand next to me.

"Don't be so stupid. Stay out of the fucking water."

It is more thirst quenching than drinking fine wine. More satisfying than dark chocolate. His voice is maddeningly addictive.

I look up to see a pair of angry deep blue eyes glaring down at me. His face is as sharp as marble, and his hair is a mess of black curls. I am instantly enchanted, and I can see him pause too.


"I won't be saving your ass ever again. So, act smarter."

Before I can say anything else, he walks back into the raging waves, and I am left dumbfounded by who I just saw.

I flip myself onto my back quickly to see the glint of black scales scratch the surface of the waves. A flash of thunder lights up the tall wave and I see the outline of a large tail fading into its black depths.

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