I hate you

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After carrying me a few blocks, I insist on him letting me walk. At first, I stumble a bit on shaky legs but eventually I find my strength.

"Do you want to talk?"

I shake my head. "Not really."

He reaches down and takes my hand. "Holly, I know what trauma is like." I know he will listen to me if I need him to. I just don't want to talk about it right now. Maybe never.

We walk in silence and I realize that we are not going in the direction of my house. At first I don't care enough to ask any questions until we come to an apartment building.

"Why are we here?" He smiles at me as we enter the building and get on the elevator. "Arius?"

We leave the elevator on the 11th floor and he takes me to a room. The apartment is extremely simple and it looks hardly used.

"Did you get an apartment?" I turn around and smile at him after walking into the dinning room. To the left of the door is a kitchen with an island. The living room and dining room are connected as an open concept. There are two doors which I assume are a bedroom and a bathroom.

He shuts the door behind him and grins. "I got it a while ago. I haven't used it much but I wanted to have a place to go instead of the ocean."

"Where did you get the money for this?" I walk to the window and look down at the street below.

"I work. Did you think I lived under the sea and ate fish for dinner?"

"Umm, I guess." I never thought about such a domestic life for Arius. His arms wrap around me from behind and I lean into him. "I always thought you were more of a little mermaid and less domestic."

"I don't comb my hair with a fork," he presses his mouth against my ear, "and I am not as innocent."

A hot chill goes down my back as the air in the room thickens. "You said," I pause as I try to focus on anything but the hot room, "Ira will be okay?"

He hums a yes, his chest vibrating against my back. "She just needed stitches and she lost a lot of blood. The doctors said she is a fighter."

"And Kaia?"

"Atticus came and took her home." His lips press against my neck and I close my eyes as the sparks burn into my skin. "Holly," his voice is deep and raspy. "You're so beautiful it's painful."

I close my eyes and try to keep the moan in.

"Your beautiful and fierce," he presses another kiss to my bare shoulder, "and its sexy as fuck."

I try to ignore the chill going down my back and the hot room. He notices me resisting and it just thrills me more.

Arius spins me around and slams my back against the wall, leaning over me with a lustful glare. "If you want to resist, you have to try something worse."

"I hate you."

"My love, I don't care. You are all mine." He roughly grabs my chin with his fingers and forces me to look him in his eyes. The deep blue sea rages in their depths and I am instantly enchanted.

"Fuck it, just kiss me."

"There is that feisty spark I love."

I reach up and force his lips on mine. We both moan and our bodies cling to one another. His hands travel down my body and I shove them away. He growls and shoves me back against the wall. His hands reach under my shirt and I shove them off again, failing to hold back the smile when he groans again.

In an instant, he spins me around and slams me into the wall, my back against him. "I wanna make you scream, Holly." The way he says my name is intense and I can't think straight. In a flash, he slides his hand up my shirt and grabs my breasts roughly. I let out a yelp and he hushes me. "Keep it down," he growls in my ear. His hot breath makes me moan against the wall.

He swoops down and scoops me into his arms. I kick and try to twist out of his arms as he carries me into the bedroom. "You are not making this easy, my love."

"I know." I try my best to glare at him but fail. When he lays me down on the bed, he glares down at me and this time he is successful. It looks like a real glare when I try to crawl away from him. I like pushing it with him and I can't help but throw caution to the wind and try to make him mad. It makes him sexier when he flares at me.

He grabs me by my leg and drags me back under him. His lips smash into mine in a hot mix of passion and previously buried desire. Every dirty thought we ever had of each other is blossoming and becoming a reality.

"Holly," I kiss his neck and my fingers work on his shirt, "I love you so fucking much." His fingers find my neck and I let him hold me down on the bed. "Did you hear me? I love you."

I shove his shirt off his sculpted chest and his hand off my throat. "I love you, Arius." I kiss him and his hands slide my shirt over my head and start picking at my bra. "I wanna see your mouth move over me," I say, high on him.

"I love how you feel against me." He whispers as he presses himself into me, making me moan. The bulge in his pants is evident. The sparks ignite when his bare chest touches mine. Our skin on skin contact has never been this intense.

His eyes burn into mine with a passion I have never seen before. It is like they are so full of light and emotions that they are burning blue in the dark room.

That night, he made me scream like I never have before. It was even better when he covered my mouth and demanded that I be silent, then processed to torture me. I've never burned like he made me burn that night. From his moans when he finished and the sweat on our bodies, I can tell I lit that spark in him too.

The sun shone through the curtains waking me up. I frown when I see the light. Then I realize why the light looks so different. Just a moment ago, I had been laying by a puddle in my mind staring at a campfire that was growing closer.

It was another dream.

A moan to my right breaks my train of thought and I roll over to lay my head on his chest. We are still naked in bed and I never want to leave.

He takes a deep, tired breath in and breathes out my name. "Holly." It is raspy and deep with sleep. His hand picks up a wavy strand of hair and brings it to his lips. "I love how you smell."

"I smell like sweat," I laugh.

"My sweat," he grumbles. I sit up and smile at his sleepy face. His dark blue eyes watch me. They seem as hypnotized by me as I am by his eyes. "How do you feel?"

"Sore. That's for sure."

He chuckles and his chest vibrates under my fingers. "It makes me so proud knowing that was me."

"Oh please, you've made me sore before but not like that."

"Oh, yeah I did," he says proudly, forcing his lips on mine.

"We have to get up, Arius."

"No we don't."

"I have things to do." I try to climb out of bed.

"Don't go," he says, yanking me back to him.

"Arius, I'm serious. I have to pee."

"Fine, fine. Make it quick."

I grab my clothes and rush into the bathroom to avoid his stare at my ass. It still makes me self-conscious even after he has seen every part of me last night.

I change in the mirror and use hand soap to fix the makeup all over my face. It actually works, believe it or not. After strapping on my bra, I pause to look at the bruises on my chest. It was rough and it couldn't have been any more perfect. A smile spreads on my lips at the thought that this could be every night if I can break this curse. Now that I have him, I can never let him go without destroying myself.

I finish changing and walk into the bedroom, ready to nag him to get out of bed. I stop myself when I see him leaning against the wall. His pants are on and his shirt on his arm but his face is twisted in pain. I see his teeth and claws growing sharp. The blood drains from my face.


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