Hotel Room

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I'm nervous. So nervous. It has been over a year since I saw my sister. She avoids us at all costs but for some reason, she wants to meet me. I can only suspect it isn't anything good.

The plane lands in New York and I pull my small suitcase through the airport. She invited me to stay at her place for a day before heading home. Abuela gave me a large check because she knows it probably won't end up that way.

I come to the road outside the airport and begin looking for a taxi. That is when I see the sign that reads my name. A man in a black suit and sunglasses is standing by a sleek black car. He looks like he works for the FBI.

I walk over to him, and he lowers the sign. "I assume you are Holly?" I nod. He opens the car door for me. "Mrs. Matthews is waiting for you."

Mrs. Mathews? Don't tell me she got married and didn't tell us. I wouldn't be surprised at all.

I get into the car, and he takes my luggage and puts it in the trunk. The car ride isn't a long one and we come to a luxurious tall building. After I get out of the car, the man hands me my luggage. "Room 56 on the 30th floor."

"Thank you."

The lobby is extremely fancy. I feel so out of place in leggings and a sweatshirt. Busy women in dresses and men in suits hurry here and there. I walk up to the large elevator door. The doors are golden metal and I press the button. After arriving on the 30th floor and quickly finding her flat, I take a deep breath.

I don't even know what she looks like anymore. It has been so long, and I was never interested in talking to her after she skipped the funeral. Hesitantly, I close my eyes and knock.

I hear shuffling and then the click of heels before the door opens. Roslyn looks more beautiful than I last saw her. Her hair is pin straight and very long. She is wearing a white, short dress and black heels that make her skin look even darker. Instantly I am intimidated, and I have a feeling that was her goal.

She gives me a tight smile. "Holly, come in." She steps aside and lets me enter her flat. "My husband is at work right now but make yourself comfortable."

I walk into the flat and look around. The window takes up the whole one side of the flat. It has a lofted ceiling and most of the surfaces are white. Roslyn walks up to me after a few moments in the kitchen. In her hand are two flutes of champagne.


I take it from her manicured hands. Her long pink nails put my short ones to shame. "Thank you, Mrs. Matthews."

"I knew you wouldn't like it."

"I didn't say anything."

"Yeah, but I can hear it in your voice." She sits down on the white sofa and gestures for me to sit across from her. I leave my suitcase next to the couch and take a seat.

"It doesn't surprise me that you got married and never told us."

She takes a sip from her flute. "I forgot to," she says as if it were a simple mistake.

I lean back into the couch and place the wine on the table. "Why do you want me here?"

She swirls her wine and stares at it, not looking at me. "I want to see how you are doing."

Does she miss me? Haha. That's funny. I am about to say something sassy that would cause an argument, but I stop myself. Abuela wanted me to try to make amends with her.

"How are you doing?" I ask her back. I can't help myself.

She stops swirling her wine and looks at me. Her eyes scan over my body and scrutinize my appearance. "I'll cut to the chase. I think you should live with me. I would like to offer you a job and success."

I choke on air. "I'm sorry, what?"

She sighs and groans. "Just take the offer. Move in here and we can work together."

"Is that why you made me come all this way? You know you could have called me..."

"And I would have been told no."

"At least it would have saved Abuela the money. You get the same answer."

Roslyn stares at me coldly. She has tried to do this before but in a different way. She has some obsession with trying to get me to leave mom and Abuela behind. I give her a pointed look, making it clear I know exactly what her intentions are.

"Be blunt, Joslyn. Don't beat around the bush."

She places her glass on the table slowly and calmly. It makes me nervous how calm she is. I swear, she is a psychopath.

"I think you and I are above them. We are sisters, Holly. We should trust each other."

"That's so funny." I smile genuinely. This is hilarious to me.

"Don't be like that. It has been hard out here without family. Jackson's family is nice, but I miss mine." She rubs her temples.

That is a new trick. Trying to play the victim. Sounds like a lot of people these days. "And leave mom and Abuela behind?"

She throws a delicate hand in the air and nods. "Basically, yeah." She looks at me with a pout. "I miss my little sister."

I stand up. I try my best to not say anything more. There is no chance we will make amends with her manipulation and selfishness. I'll try my best to leave without swearing.

"It was nice to see you, Roslyn." I curtsy to her, mocking her elegant and stuck-up persona. Grabbing the handle of my suitcase, I pull it towards the door.

"Holly, please. I can't believe you would choose them over..."

"Fuck you, bitch."

She places her fragile hand over her chest. "Holly!"

"You never care about anyone but yourself. To be honest, I wish I met your husband. I would love to know how fake and toxic you two are. It would be so funny to not laugh at your passive aggressiveness."

"The job I offer will give you a lot more money than marine anatomy."

"It is called marine biology, dipshit."

She shakes her head. "Always with the swear words. Such a dirty mouth like Abuela."

"At least I don't have a tampon made out of gold shoved up my bleached asshole, you bitch."

Her jaw drops and I slam the door behind me, heading for the elevator. She has always been manipulative. All she is after is something for herself. I have no clue why she would want me here. Even if she was a good sister, there is no way I would move here.

As the elevator lowers, I can't help but think about what would have happened if I did move to New York. I wouldn't see Abuela or mom. She would cut me off from them.

Most of all, I wouldn't see Arius anymore.

Simply thinking his name has me longing for home. His name sounds like home, not this white building that smells like lemon scented cleaner. The city smells nothing like the ocean. I get no adrenaline rush when I'm surrounded by cars and buildings. The ocean is my home and now I have someone to return home to see.

Unfortunately, I can't go home yet. My flight is tomorrow. I will have to find a motel that hopefully doesn't need reservations.

I call for a cab and arrive at a dingy looking motel outside of the city. It doesn't look too safe but if I board up the front door then I'll be fine.

The room is exactly what I expected. Dusty and dark. It smells like cigars and dirt. Luckily, there is a lock on the inside. As soon as I get inside, I slide the lock and place a chair against the door. After checking the mirrors and making sure the windows are closed tight, I sit down on the bed. It isn't that bad. It sure beats the worst hotels I have been in, and it isn't one that pays by the house. Thank God.

I close the curtains and change out of my clothes into my pajamas. It feels hot in the hotel, and I can't figure out how to turn it down, so I put on a tank top. Flipping on the TV, I look over the channels that are in this area.

Suddenly, I hear a thump at the front door. I freeze for a second and my heart starts to beat heavily. Then there is a knock at the door.

"Hello?" No response.

I get up slowly and regret calling out. Now they know I'm a woman probably alone here. I get more nervous. Creeping towards the door, I look through the peephole to see someone I didn't think I'd ever see.

Quickly, I remove the chair and yank the door open. The chain stops me, and I shut it, sloppily unlocking it before throwing the door open again.


His eyes bore into mine, a mix of anger and fear. He shoves past me and into the room. Slamming the door shut he spins to me and glares.


"You didn't tell me you were leaving, Holly!"

"Oh, I was only going to be gone for a day." I say meekly. " did you get here?" Then I realized the exact distance. "Wait, how the hell did you get here? Along the whole east coast in a few hours?"

"I think you forgot what I am. You can't just leave."

"Well, you did, you moron."

"Are you mad about that?" He looks so angry. It just riles me up more.

"Yeah! Don't be a hypocrite. At least I was only going to leave for a day. You left for a week!" We both know how pointless this fighting is. For some reason, both of us are just going at each other.

"I was worried as hell! I had to ask Kaia where you were, and Atticus almost punched me because I snapped at her!"

"That sounds like a you problem, bud." I fold my arms over my chest. His deep blue eyes flair with the raging sea. His hand raises and I see him slide the lock onto the door. I swallow hard. I mean like there is a brick in my throat and I can't get it down hard.

I sprint for the bathroom, but it is no good. He is on me like the ravaged animal he is. He grabs my wrist and pushes me against the wall. He presses himself against me, his large figure pinning me to the wall.

Think, Holly. Think!

"I... I can't breathe."

"I'll let you know when to breathe." He calls my bluff.

Next, I try to kick backwards, and my foot meets his knee. It does nothing to him. If only I was wearing heels. He chuckles. It is deep and mischievous.

I know he won't hurt me. I have figured it out and I know he can't. Instead of fear in my heart, it is that thrill again. I forget I am in an old smelly hotel. It feels like I am home, being thrown around by the ocean that I love.

"I'll fucking kill you, Arius! Let me go!" Lies.

I feel his breath on my ear. "Say that again, I liked it." I try to squirm again, but he keeps me still. He gives a deep chuckle, dripping with seduction. "I have a thing for girls like you, Holly." He whispers in my ear.

I grin like a madwoman. The chills he gives me forces me to. "Let me go so I can strangle my stalker."

He chuckles again and I stop struggling. If he wants to play this game, then I'll play. "Arius," I breathe out. "I'm your soulmate."

I feel him freeze behind me and I can imagine his smile dropped.

"You know?" I can hear the disbelief in his voice.

I bite back the smile. It all makes sense. I have come to terms that the rules of nature and the normal world are all a bunch of baloney.  The way I feel about him after knowing him for a short time, how he struggles with being around me while also trying to protect me by avoiding me, the fact that I can't get him out of my damn mind. It is maddening when he is not around.

I can't hold back the smile and it slips past my lips. "Holly." I see relief in his eyes. He is relieved that I am not running for the door. He loosens his grip on me. Just the moment I needed. I spin around and try to shove him off me. He quickly regains his composure and shoves me back against the wall again. This time, we are facing each other, lips awfully close. The air in the room intensifies and I feel like melting in his arms.

"It is hot in here." I say.

"It is part of the game." He mumbles into my ear. He presses himself against me and I writhe with pleasure.

"I'm trying to play your game, Arius..."

"And you are losing it, Holly." He grins. His handsome lips curl into a smile and I see the spark in his eyes.

"I think I'm winning, actually. I took you by surprise there."

"Oh, really?" I try and fail to bite back the grin again. I want to be serious, but I can't. He isn't even trying to hide the mischievous smile on his lips. "You wanna bet?"


He leans in closer, sliding my arms against the wall until my wrists are above my head. He holds them there with one hand and presses his lips against my ears. "I wanna see your mouth move, baby. In the best way, in the best places." His lips meet mine and I close my eyes in ecstasy. My knees feel weak, but he holds me up. His arm slides around my small waist and he pulls me into him.

The whole world dissolves away and I forget why I am even in New York.

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