The Cove

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I don't hesitate. The moment I see a good wave, I run into the water and lay on the board.

The wave comes and I float over it before it breaks. The saltwater sprays my face and I breathe it in. It has been a while and I feel at peace for a moment. I follow the waves, trying to stand occasionally but almost falling each time.

The frustration doesn't get to me anymore. I have become numb to it and accept that I will never be able to surf the same again. The waves calm down and I sit on my board staring off at the ocean.

I wonder if he is watching me. He hasn't shown up yet to yell at me for disobeying him. What if he really is gone? I feel a deep pain in my chest at this thought.

It is really pissing me off that I can't figure out why I feel this way so suddenly for someone I hardly know. I don't know what his favorite color is or his favorite food. Should I ask him that next time I see him?

Wait, what does he eat? I assume he has no money. Why wouldn't he though? Nothing is stopping him from working.

The water near me is disturbed for a moment before returning to its calm, clear surface. I stop my thinking and freeze. It happens again ahead of me, and I notice the smallest bit of a fin stick up. Another one to my right but this time, I see a spine.

I feel my heart stop in my chest. The water all around me is disturbed every few seconds. It is all in a straight line pointing in the same direction. I look closer and see large shapes of long humanoid things heading in the same direction. What terrifies me the most are how many there are. It has to be way more than ten or twenty. It is like a whole pod of these things are calmly heading in one direction. I look up and in the direction, they are heading. Far off in the horizon down the beach, I see the cove my friends and I jump into.

I stay still on my board, praying that none of them notice me. Suddenly, my board jerks as if something bumped into it. I grab a hold of the board and let out a whimper. All the movement in the water stops.

I see movement in the water stop a few feet in front of my board. It shifts and I can see that it is now facing me.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck!

I see spines rise from the water as it probably goes into a threatening pose. Even though I can't see it fully under water, I can strongly say I am fucking intimidated.

I start paddling as fast as my human legs can move me. Luck for me, the ocean still has a few good waves the closer to the shore I get.

It was pathetic of me to think I would outswim a predator made for the ocean. I feel a bony hand reach out of the water and wrap around my ankle. All I can let out is a squeak before I am yanked off my surfboard and into the water.

I let out a scream underwater as I feel it drag me further under. Suddenly, whatever was dragging me vanishes and I start kicking for the surface.

I hear screeching in the water, and I open my eyes to look below me. I can't see a thing in the dark ocean, so I keep trying to get to the surface.

Strong arms wrap around my waist and my relief is almost instant as I recognize them. He uses his water bending to get us to shore quickly and to my displeasure, he shifts without clothes on again.

I cough up the water, something that seems to be becoming a habit for me.

"What did I tell you? It is dangerous, Holly!"

I glare up at him as he stands over my shaking body. "Move, I don't want to see anything!" I quickly cover my eyes.

"That is what you are worried about now?"

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