Carry my bag!

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The town is busy today. On a Saturday, I am not surprised that people are doing their best to keep themselves busy. I walk through the town thinking about her.

I couldn't leave for real. The furthest I could go was just offshore and even then, I couldn't help but watch her. I saw the sadness when she screamed at the ocean and threw rocks at it. She was so angry, and it took everything in me not to go to her.

When I saw that devil with her, I became enraged. The very thing I was worried about was happening in front of me. He wants to use her and force her to break the curse. The things he would do to her to get that done makes my fists shake with rage. I would do anything for her.

When I kissed her, it felt like the whole world came together for the first time in all of my life. I've never felt whole before and I didn't even know I was missing a piece until I saw her surfing that fateful day.

The way her lips felt against mine was heavenly. I wanted to go so much further but I know neither of us are ready for that. All I want to do now is find her and kiss her agai...

"Watch it!" I feel someone bump into my arm and I look down to see an old woman next to me. Her gray hair is done up into a bun and her blue eyes look at me like gum on her shoe.

"You watch it." I say, glaring at her.

"Stop strutting around on these streets like you have something to prove. You walked this sidewalk for the second time!"

"Did you bump into me on purpose, old woman?"

She swings her cane, and it hits my ankle. It doesn't hurt but I step back from her to get her to stop. "You bet I did! I will do it again too!"

Some people walk past and give us looks like we are crazy. "Whatever, woman." I try to walk by, but I feel a heavy paper bag land in my arms.

"If you are going to be so rude, you should fix yourself. Here, bring this lunch to the hospital with me. I need to drop it off for my daughter."

I glare at her. "I am not carrying your bags for you."

"Yes, you are. I'll hang you by your balls if you don't." Why does that sound familiar? "Get walking, young man. God, you remind me of my granddaughter. She has all the sass in the world. At least I thought she did until you bumped into me."

"You bumped into me."

"Hah! So, what if I did. They call me Cruella Devil. Get over it."

"You are too short to be Cruella." I smirk at her, trying to push her buttons.

"I'll skin you and let your dog lay on you after I turn you into a rug. How does that sound?" She smacks my ankles with her cane again and I really want to take it from her.

Before I realized it, the old witch tricked me into walking one block to the hospital. She didn't need help, that is for sure. She just wanted to waste my time.

"Here, take your bags."

She cackles. She knows what she did. That stupid woman. "Come inside with me. She is just at the desk."

"I have somewhere to be."

"Like what exactly?"

"Things." Why can't I keep up with her? I usually have good comebacks for everyone.

She gestures for me to follow her with her finger. "Just come along."

We walk into the hospital and approach the desk. A blonde woman with blue eyes is at the desk and something about her face looks familiar.

She looks up and smiles when she sees the old woman. "Mom, thank you. Sorry I forgot it."

"It's okay dear. Next time I'll have Holly bring it instead of this young man." She points at me with her cane. "He is a handful, you know. Just as sassy as Holly. I'm ready to knock him out with my cane."

I stare at the old woman, brows furrowed. Is this Holly's grandmother? They look nothing alike but if this other woman is her daughter, then I guess Holly's dad was Hispanic. It makes sense. Her insults are just as cleverly crafted as Holly's. The woman behind the counter's face is a spinning image of Holly besides the racial differences.

"I'm sorry, sir. She can be a beast of a woman sometimes."

"That is just how I like it, Lauren!"

"You don't have to stay. Thank you for your help."

I can't wait to tease Holly about this. Before I walk away, I hear their conversation carry on.

"Did Holly catch the plane?"

"Yeah, she will be gone for a day or two. I hope she and her sister get along this time."

Wait... what?! Holly left? And didn't tell me? I feel panic boil up in my blood mixed with anger. Pure anger and panic. I have to stop myself from asking the two women where she went. They have no clue how I know Holly and would think I'm crazy.

I don't know where her friend Ira lives but I do know where Kaia does. I start run out of the hospital, determined to get to Holly as soon as possible.

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