A Deal

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My voice came out in a whisper, but I see him tense. I'm surprised he even heard me.

His head turns in my direction halfway and my heart starts a steady but deep beat.

The air feels electric with salt, chills, and emotions that are not my own. It feels like anger, but pain mixed into one.

It confuses me because I don't feel anything like that right now.

My pause is long and heavy, but he stays still and waits. I expect him to start walking away but it is like he wants to hear what I have to say.

What should I say?

I start to walk towards the water and when the sound of my feet in the shallow waves is audible, I see him tense and turn his head away.

He still doesn't move so I take advantage of it and get closer.

"Why don't you come back out?" I swallow as my nerves make it hard to speak. "Out of the water I mean? "

He doesn't answer so I wait and take this opportunity to look at him. I've never been this close to him. I can see the contours of his muscles and his height is more intimidating now that I'm this close. I'm 5' 7" so he must be over 6 feet.

His hair is short and dark but that's all I can see of it. I long to know what his face looks like. Is it just as attractive as the rest of him?

I fucking hope so.

"Why don't you come out of the water?" I try again.

I don't expect him to respond.

"You shouldn't try to surf again." My heart stops when I hear his voice. I feel a hole open in my chest and it desperately needs to be filled by his voice again. "The waves are getting worse."

Oh, God.

"I'm going to keep surfing." I egg him on, trying to get him to talk again.

He huffs out a sigh. His voice is so deep that the crashing of waves sounds too high pitched.

Was this bastard sculpted by the gods? Talk again.

"Why don't you come out of the water?"

I feel the electricity in the air intensify. It's not just anger now but annoyance.

He starts to slowly walk into the water, and I feel my heart jump in fear.

Without thinking, I reach out and grab his arm. The shock runs through my body, but it only makes me tighten my grip.

He turns on his heel and rips his arm from my hold. I see a pair of raging dark blue eyes glare daggers at me. His teeth are bared and I hear him stop himself from hissing.

His teeth are just a little too sharp.

Now I can see his face and I wish I hadn't. It's addicting to look at and I feel like a goddamn addict already.

The air intensifies but the anger and annoyance turn to something I can't distinguish. It is intense and passionate but calm at the same time. The shocks through my body pulse with the intensity.

That is when I realize that he is holding my wrist. From the anger in his face, I would have expected it to be a tight hold. It is firm, but gentle.

My eyes leave the sight of his large hand around my wrist, and I look back up to meet his eyes.

They are no longer angry. They are cold and observant. His teeth are hidden, and he seems to be watching my movement.

Not gonna lie, I feel like pissing myself. This man isn't human. Something about him is animalistic and threatening. My instincts scream at me to run away. To crawl out of my skin if I have to get him to let go.

Another part just wants more of him.

I think that's what he is waiting for. Will my instincts win? Or something else?

"Don't go in the water at night. It isn't safe."

"I won't stop unless you do something for me."

He looks at me bewildered. He definitely did not expect me to say that. I feel his grip on my wrist loosen.

"I've seen you by the diner. You know where it is in town." Because you stared at me like a fucking creep the other day. "Meet me there. I have something to offer."

He just stares at me and I can no longer understand his expressions. I can only assume he is thinking.

The hole opens in my chest again when he pulls away. I feel the longing return, but I am left to watch this stranger walk off into the ocean without a reply.

I can only hope he will actually come.

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