Glitches Glitches Glitches

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I think it's safe to say, most no one really likes bugs, onscreen or offscreen. That leads us perfectly into this next confession, which says, "Don't get me wrong, I love Syndicate and its DLC but this game has more Glitches than I ever experienced in Unity or AC3 for that matter."

Pretty fair, I realize that computers and games are weird and annoyingly inconsistent between people's experiences on different systems. A funny example is that playing both Red Dead games for me is smooth as butter but I've seen some hilarious Glitches in Red Dead 2 captured on YouTube. I will admit however my experience in my first playthrough of Unity was just, rough. I didn't get the infamous face glitch, but the game crashed on me multiple times, and I did get the other infamous kiss glitch, where Arno and Elise kiss in the hot-air balloon and there's a space between their lips as they do it.

With that being said however, I think the blame should be more heavily blamed on Ubisoft for their sheer incompetence in optimizing their products before release. This has been going on for years now, and to be a little fair it's not like Ubisoft is the only major game publisher with this problem.

With all due respect to the people who do work hard on these games, Ubisoft needs to start treating their fans with more proper respect as their customers, not just casually throwing pandering microtransaction bullshit at them for the sake of milking as much money out of each release they have and nothing else.

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