Rogue Symphony

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Okay now, here's our first hot take! Not really, but it's still an idea worth sharing, "in my opinion, Rogue has the best soundtrack in the series."

As is your right. I definitely wouldn't have Rogue's soundtrack as my first or even second or third choice in naming my favorite soundtrack from this series, but I would agree that it is somewhat underrated. I would say that it has more to offer than syndicate's soundtrack, or the Chronicles trilogy, but I would maybe put it below Liberation's, which I also thought had a nicely underrated soundtracks.

If I had to name my own favorite soundtracks from the series, three and Revelations would compete for the number one spot, while Black Flag would be third and AC1 at fourth.

As for my least favorite, and keep in mind the soundtracks for most all the games are very high quality so being the worst of them really isn't saying a whole lot, would maybe be the Chronicles trilogy as a three way tie. I just didn't find any of the tracks very memorable in contrast to even Unity and Origins, both of which had soundtracks that were very high quality with just a ton more I could say positively about both even though I may not like the games they're attatched to.

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