.Chapter 8.

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"It seems that the boss of port mafia already wants some of us." Fukuzawa announced while he made his way into the office. Upon hearing that, the ADA members all groaned in agony. "Please don't pick me, please don't pick me..." Tanizaki was at the corner of the office chanting. Naomi sighed as she pat her brother's head calmly. "He wants, Atsushi, Tanizaki and...Chuuya." Hearing those names, Tanizaki fell to the floor, Atsushi face palmed himself. Chuuya wasn't at all surprised. He knew Dazai would pick him anyway. He just sighed and pulled his hat down to cover his face. "The three of you have to go by noon, I wish you all the best." With that last statement, the silver-haired male walked away to his office. Naomi, with pleading eyes, looked at Tanizaki," Can I go with you?" Tanizaki glanced away, "No...For your safety." Naomi pouted but eventually agreed, knowing it was for the best.

Noon came in a flash and the trio were once again at the entrance of the port mafia base. Tanizaki coughed a few times when the guards in front pointed their rifles at him. They all glanced at Chuuya who gave them a glare and growled, "Move..." with that, they all scrambled away and Chuuya confidently walked into the building with Atsushi and Tanizaki trailing behind. "Why would they move? They can't be that cowardly right?" Atsushi asked Tanizaki who just shrugged. "Maybe they are cowardly." Chuuya rolled his eyes, "They are cowardly!" The duo behind Chuuya glanced at each other and tilted their heads in confusion. Thankfully, they  just shrugged it off and continued following Chuuya.

"Nakahara-san, it seems that you know this place well..." Atsushi chuckled slightly to break the silent tension. "Not at all! I only know how to get to the boss's office, that's all." Atsushi hummed in response. Chuuya knew he had to make a point to act like he doesn't know the mafia at all. If he didn't, both Tanizaki and Atsushi will grow suspicious and suspect that he was from the mafia. He had to tread slowly and wisely. Feeling uneasy, Atsushi fidgeted with his thumbs and Chuuya noticed that. He sighed and stopped in his tracks. "Don't be nervous. A person once told me that with confidence, you have won before you have even started." Tanizaki and Atsushi felt motivated and nodded with their head high. Chuuya smiled warmly before resuming the walk to the boss's office. 

"Chibi, you scared? Don't worry...With confidence, you have won before you have even started. You're not that cowardly right?"

Chuuya closed his eyes and took a deep breath before knocking on the big oak doors. The doors opened almost immediately by the same person, Oda. Chuuya looked at him before glancing behind him, he sighed when he saw both of them shivering in fear already. Chuuya did his part and dragged both of them into the room. "Chuuya, Nakajima and Junichiro...glad that you could make it." Atsushi, being the person he was, bowed in respect, Tanizaki followed and did the same. Chuuya, however, didn't move an inch, he just stared right at the brunette who supposedly had higher authority than him. Dazai chuckled and smiled before continuing, "So, we'll be attack one of their secret hideouts my subordinates found just yesterday, I hope you'll cooperate. I'll be joining you of course." The fact that he will be joining them made Atsushi and Tanizaki more tensed but they covered it with another bow. Chuuya massaged his temples before nodding at the brunette and once again dragging the two, still bowing out of the room. "Stop it with the bowing, it's creepy." Atsushi and Tanizaki gasped as they mentally panicked. Chuuya pushed his hand through his ginger hair and waved his hand to gesture to follow him which the other two did. He wanted to avoid all contact with that annoying brunette and he would be doing so by staying with the 2 ADA members with him and not getting separated.

It didn't take long for Dazai to gather the needed people, consisting of Oda, the black lizard, Akutagawa and the ADA members. Dazai's subordinates went and checked out the organization's hideout and map out exits, windows and any possible hole in the whole building. However, despite that, Dazai couldn't predict and control how the mission goes, he could only plan what they were supposed to do. As everyone says, Dazai's prediction is never wrong and his plans never fail. As long as everyone did their part respectively, they would most likely succeed in their mission.

 Past noon, everyone was crowded outside the hideout with Dazai standing at the 'entrance', adjusting his hair. With a confident smirk plastered on his face, he knocked at the door in a rhythmic pattern. Immediately, the door opened with a loud bang at the start as it creaked as it opened. A green-haired girl came into sight. She glanced up because of Dazai's and her height difference as her mouth turned into an 'O' as she hurriedly tried to close the door but Dazai's hand interfered. "It seems like she's a child..." Atsushi mumbled when she saw the black lizard raise their guns. Much to the weretiger's surprise, Dazai raised his left hand which signaled to lower their guns. The black lizard did so hesitantly. Dazai just pushed the door open himself and lightly pushed the girl as well before welcoming himself into the hideout. The rest who were hiding, swiftly made their way in as well. The girl stared in shock as she took a few steps back. Chuuya, who didn't trust the girl, tied her to a tree rather quickly. The girl struggled and squirmed but she couldn't get out of the tight ropes binding her to the tree trunk. She sighed as she gazed up at the sky, "Fyodor-sama isn't going to be happy. He didn't expect that. How did the tall guy know the password anyway?" The girl ranted to herself as she continued struggling with the ropes to no avail.

As the 'intruders' trudged through the long corridor, they were all on the alert. Everyone knew there may be traps but somehow, there were none. Little did I know, Chuuya was behind stopping all the flying knives, darts and bullets that came from above. It seems that everyone doesn't look up. Sighing, Chuuya used his ability to make all the small knives into one of the random rooms he passed by so as to not alert anyone. It was best that they didn't think there were any traps so that he could finish this mission as soon as possible. However, his mind was hovering on what Dazai did earlier on. He didn't kill the girl previously. The Dazai Chuuya knew didn't care who he killed, he would possibly do anything to achieve what he wanted. What if he did change? However, what if Dazai only did that to get Chuuya back? The ginger wasn't sure. He knew he couldn't trust the brunette easily but the lingering feelings he had for the brunette didn't leave him after he left the mafia. His trail of thoughts were stopped when Oda, in the front with Dazai, shouted, "Duck!" Everyone did so as they hastily kneeled down. Chuuya wasn't fast enough before he saw multiple katanas coming towards him. "Chuuya!" Everyone bellowed as they saw the katana aiming for Chuuya's head. The ginger, who was too engrossed with his thoughts, was slightly shocked by the sudden attack. Due to his ability, he stopped all the katanas in mid air. Kicking it all to the ground, all the katanas snapped in half and he made it fly back to where it came from, in front of him. It was unfortunate that Chuuya had no one to aim at because the corridor was pitch dark, however, Chuuya was sure that he would at least hit something since there were so many katana since he broke all of them in half. It doubled!

Grunts and screams were heard in the dark. Smirking, he briskly walked into the dark corridor and right enough, he smelt blood. He had to admit, since he joined the ADA, he never killed anybody, only injured. However, in this case, nobody could blame him, he couldn't see where he was aiming. He might have or might not have killed anybody but it was sure to have spilt blood. Dazai, who dusted the dust of his pants, smirked as well. It seems that Chuuya hasn;t forgotten his mafia ways. Atsushi and Tanizaki who looked at the ginger who, with no hesitation, injured and maybe even killed somebody. Thankfully, thanks to their trust they entrusted in with Chuuya, they thought nothing of it and trailed behind their senior.

Higuchi, who was the only one who brought a torch light, shone it at the dark area, she stifled a gasp before she clenched the torchlight tighter. About nearly 10 + bodies were there. Most had katanas piercing their bodies. In the middle, another green-haired girl, looked much older than the previous girl, a katana piercing through her stomach as her breathes were raspy. "That must be the one who threw katanas at us like it was nothing..." Dazai commented as he glanced at Chuuya who's eyes just widened. Chuuya calmed himself down, this girl was definitely a teenager, not a child. Chuuya would never forgive himself if he killed a child. He did not believe in it. Taking a shallow breath, he continued walking, "Don't just stand there...Let's go!" Dazai and Oda glanced at each other and both nodded before trailing behind Chuuya.

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